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February 12th, 2020 at 6:41 pm

pedometerusaImage: Pedometer USA


A new study shows how to reduce mortality in just a few steps.    Even though many of my clients are positively obsessed with step counting and their Fitbits and have been absolutely convinced that 10,000 steps daily is essential this is not based on any actual scientific data.   This misinformation has been passed on since 1965 when a Japanese company name: Yamasa designed a pedometer that translated to “10,000 steps meter”.  So it was actually a marketing ploy and not a medical finding.


Step counting has actually been around since DaVinci's day.  BUT, there is little actual evidence that informs us how many steps are needed each day  to improve health and reduce mortality.  The mortality studies that exist,  and  most of these are recent from 2015 to 2018,  demonstrate that compared to those described as sedentary,  those taking 10,000 steps per day experienced a 46% reduction in mortality in the decade  of follow up. 


The current study by Lee et al was a large one and suggests that health benefits in terms of mortality level off at 7500 steps per day.   Unfortunately, the 10,000 step goal is so deeply ingrained in our culture that to cite this fact may have people questioning your expertise if you are a health professional.  Still, it is helpful to cite actual facts which are that each 1,000 steps was associated with a 14% reduction in mortality risk, but only up to 7500 steps where those gains began to level off.   This, in my opinion, may be very helpful information for the very sedentary people in our populace those less than 2,700 steps per day as catalyst to begin exercising.


Next week, join me for a discussion on how a simple herb and exercise translates into improved heart function it's February after all.  SIGNUP  so you don't miss a thing.

Did you know that our natural pharmacy dispensary offers HUNDREDS of fresh, natural PRO health products from brands like: Metagenics, AO Medical, Klaire Labs, Thorne, Douglas, Orthomolecular and many more brands.  Orders are shipped the same day.  Our products are never warehoused and are much more effective!   FREE shipping!!!


Wishing you all a happy Valentine's Day!


Best of Health!


Dr. Taryn DeCicco



Holistic Doctor

Holistic Nutritionist






February 5th, 2020 at 6:02 pm



I'm often asked for referrals across the country for "holistic doctors like you."   It's so hard for me to give personal recommendations because I couldn't possibly know that many people.  Also, selecting your own practioner is part of taking responsiblity for your own health care.  This means creating an environment where you can flourish.  I will not accept appointments made by a third party like a husband or a wife or a sister, etc.  This never works out.  After all, if someone is unwilling to do the work of finding a practioner, are they going to do the work of actually getting well?  Not in my experience.  Except of course for very young children.


To find a good fit begin by asking a healthcare provider you know and trust.  Your fit with a holistic doctor must be based on your needs and values.If they do not meld the relationship will not be a good therapeutic one.  Another source of referrals is from actual patients who are satisfied with the care they receive.


Credentials are important as they demonstrate that at least in the case of board certifications, a doctor has completed rigorous training over a long period of time.  Credentials do not always gage the talent of a doctor clinically.  Often the doctor with a better emotional IQ is less highly credentialled than one who has tons plaques on the wall but not very good interpersonal skills.  It's often true as well that some very gifted "healers" have no real credentials whatsoever.  Sometimes, in the case of specialties mine are digestive and skin disorders you are well served by working with the most knowlegable experienced person there is even if you have to do it long distance.  This is why I do this and clients are very appreciative as well.


Ask yourself the most important question there is. Does the holistic doctor seem like a healer?  Do you leave their office feeling uplifted and reassured?  Do you feel as though you are in good hands?  This is paramount to a good therapeutic relationship so trust your gut and intuition on this.


Don't be vicitimized by Insurance.  Over the years Ive heard so many people say that they couldn't come in or take supplements or do much of anything because their "insurance wouldn't pay for it".  Invariably these people suffer from bad health compared to those who say they will do whatever it takes to get and stay well.


You and only you are responsible for your health choices.  Insurance should really only be reserved for crisis intervention the rest if up to you.  Building a healthful life will never be covered by insurance it is up to each and everyone of us and is about choices we make each and every day.


While a holistic doctor is an expert in a body of knowlege, you are the expert of your own body.  When you find the right relationship your health cannot help but flourish.


Best of Health and Healing


Dr. Taryn DeCicco

Holistic Doctor



Arlington Heights, IL

847 577 4455


Next week join me for a discussion on how you can decrease your mortality risk in just a few steps. SignUP so you don't miss a thing.


We offer hundreds of professional products from brands like Douglas, Metagenics, Pure Encapsulations, Thorne, DaVinci Labs and many more.   FREE same day shipping on each order and great prices.


January 29th, 2020 at 7:22 pm

·      phone image pexels  

Scientists aren't yet sure if technology is destroying our brains, but they're pretty confident it can trigger some obsessive behaviors that look a lot like addiction, and lead to depression.   It's also slowing down our thinking processes.  Most tasks are better done off the phone, research suggests.


All day long, most people are inundated by interruptions and alerts from devices. Smartphones buzz to wake us up, emails stream into our inboxes, notifications from coworkers and long distance friends appear on our screens, and "assistants" chime in with their own electronic voices.

People want technology to help with our busy lives, but at what cost?

The human body may have a different view: These constant alerts jolt our stress hormones into action, starting our fight or flight response; our heartbeats quicken, our breathing tightens, our sweat glands burst open, and our muscles contract. Since this is now all day every day, we were simply not built to live like this. 

Phone apps are taking advantage of our needs for security and social interaction and researchers are starting to see how terrible this is for us. A full 89% of college students now report feeling "phantom" phone vibrations, imagining their phone is summoning them to attention when it hasn't actually buzzed. 

Another 86% of Americans say they check their email and social media accounts "constantly," and that it's really stressing them out.  Obsessive smartphone behaviors are all too prevalent if you go anywhere or do anything.


Endocrinologist Robert Lustig tells Business Insider that notifications from our phones are training our brains to be in a near constant state of stress and fear by establishing a stress-fear memory pathway. And such a state means that the prefrontal cortex, the part of our brains that normally deals with some of our highest-order cognitive functioning, goes completely haywire, and basically shuts down.

"You end up doing stupid things," Lustig says. "And those stupid things tend to get you in trouble." 


Your brain can only do one thing at a time

Scientists have known for years what people often won't admit to themselves: humans can't really multi-task. This is true for almost all of us: about 97.5% of the population. The other 2.5% have freakish abilities; scientists call them "super taskers," because they can actually successfully do more than one thing at once. That means every time we pause to answer a new notification or get an alert from a different app on our phone, we're being interrupted, and with that interruption we pay a price: something called a "switch cost."

Sometimes the switch from one task to another costs us only a few tenths of a second, but in a day of flip-flopping between ideas, conversations, and transactions on a phone or computer, our switch costs can really add up, and make us more error-prone, too. Psychologist David Meyer who's studied this effect estimates that shifting between tasks can use up as much as 40% of our otherwise productive brain time.

Every time we switch tasks, we're also shooting ourselves up with a dose of the stress hormone cortisol, Lustig says. The switching puts our thoughtful, reasoning prefrontal cortex to sleep, and kicks up dopamine, a brain chemical that plays a key role in pursuing reward and motivation.

In other words, the stress that we build up by trying to do many things at once when we really can't is making us sick, and causing us to crave even more interruptions, spiking dopamine, which perpetuates the cycle.


More phone time, lazier brain 

Our brains can only process so information at a time, at a flow of 60 bits per second.

The more tasks we have to do, the more we have to choose how we want to use our precious brain power. So it's understandable that we might want to pass some of our extra workload to our phones or digital assistants.

But there is some evidence that delegating thinking tasks to our devices could not only be making our brains sicker, but lazier too.


The combination of socializing and using our smartphones could be putting a huge tax on our brains.

Researchers have found smarter, more analytical thinkers are less active on their smartphone search engines than other people. That doesn't mean that using your phone for searching causes you to be "dumber," it could just be that these smarties are searching less because they know more. But the link between less analytical thinking and more smartphone scrolling is there.  

We also know that reading up on new information on your phone can be a terrible way to learn. Researchers have shown that people who take in complex information from a book, instead of on a screen, develop deeper comprehension, and engage in more conceptual thinking, too.  Often, I am told that I am the only person who ever has a “real” book in their lap…at the hairdresser for instance.

Recent research on dozens of smartphone users in Switzerland also suggests that staring at our screens could be making both our brains and our fingers more jittery.

Last year, psychologists and computer scientists found an unusual and potentially troubling connection: the more tapping, clicking and social media posting and scrolling people do, the "noisier" their brain signals become. That finding took the researchers by surprise. Usually, when we do something more often, we get better, faster and more efficient at the task. 

But the researchers think there's something different going on when we engage in social media: the combination of socializing and using our smartphones could be putting a huge tax on our brains.

Social behavior, "may require more resources at the same time," study author Arko Ghosh said, from our brains to our fingers. And that's scary stuff.Driving texting smartphone

Despite these troubling findings, scientists aren't saying that enjoying your favorite apps is automatically destructive. But we do know that certain types of usage seem especially damaging.

“Pathological” usage of the internet has been linked to depression in teens and may even cause the shrinking of the brain.  Other research is beginning to demonstrate short term memory loss and changes in brain chemistry.

I have been aware of these effects since smart phone use began.  I have never enjoyed being interrupted by pinging and those sounds have been turned off on my phone.  I do pay attention and could feel the stress and cortisol when I started using smart phones.  I would certainly limit time on smart phones and computers in general as well as social media.  After I backed away I decided to learn Spanish and Italian and feel good about the few minutes spent each day learning new words.  I guess I just prefer a more meaningful life and I think most people confuse that with a”busier” one.I nfo for this article abridged from business Next week join me to learn how to select a holistic doctor SignUP here.  See you then and please don't forget to visit our natural pharmacy where we offer hundreds of FRESH NEW Professional products at great prices and FREE shipping!  We offer brands like: Metagenics, Thorne, Pure Encapsulations, AO Medical, Rx Vitamins, Douglas and much more. 


" Thank you, you people are terrific to work with and I will look for excuses to do business with you again".  Kathleen R. 1/21/20



As always best of health!

Dr. Taryn DeCicco

Naturopathic Holistic Doctor



appointments 847 577 4455 




January 22nd, 2020 at 6:22 pm



For some time Americans have been supporting alternative medicine in the United States.  Almost 40% of adults are participating in treatments like: nutritional therapy, acupuncture, yoga, meditation and homeopathy.  Most of the treatments are being used by adults though,not children.  I am estimating but guess 90% for adults and only 10% for children at present.


Interestingly, people without health insurance and people in lower income brackets spent a much larger proportion of their incomes on alternative medicine.  A recent review shows that pain therapies were very popular.


Statistically speaking, 70% believed in the positive effects of complementary and alternative medicine.


The latest statistics show that Americans spend almost 10% of their annual incomes on alternative therapies. The annual amount spent in the USA is over 30 BILLION dollars per year.  


Clearly, complementary therapies are not going away.  One reason is the time and attention given by holistic doctors versus conventional ones.  Getting to the root cause of a health concern is another issue.  Safety and efficacy is yet another and a realistic one since western medicine is now the third leading cause of death in this country.


Personally speaking, I am somewhat surprised at the low numbers of participation for both children and for higher income families. I suppose this is due to greater pressure to conform to conventional care from both peers and also institutions like major employers and schools for instance.


These percentages have remained flat for probably close to a decade. More reason for you to be proud to have chosen a different path.


Next week I will discuss the latest health concerns relative to smart phones.  SignUp so you don't miss a thing.  Also please visit our fabulous natural pharmacy where we offer hundreds of FRESH, professional supplements I have hand selected at great prices and FREE shipping on each order.


See you next week and best of health,


Dr. Taryn DeCicco

Holistic Doctor





January 15th, 2020 at 6:20 pm


image courtesy of


Between 1959 and 2014, the average length of time that Americans were expected to live was on the rise. Now, for the third year in a row, it's declining, according to a new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

"Americans operate under a lot of misconceptions about how superior we are in many facets of our lives and this is not one of them," the study's lead author Steven Woolf told Business Insider. "We may think we have best medical care in world and highest life expectancy ... but that's not the case."

This decline can't be linked to just one ethnicity, gender, or geographic area, either: It originates among an entire age group. People between the ages of 25 and 64 in the US are dying at higher rates, wracked by health problems like opioid addiction, obesity, alcoholic liver disease, and suicide.

Despite having the highest per capita health care spending in the world, Americans are "more likely to die before age 65 than people in other countries," Woolf added. "Their children, too, are less likely to live as long." and that is another topic for another day...

A Shocking Trend


Woolf and his co-author Heidi Schoomaker's new study looked at more than 50 years' worth of data on US life expectancy from the US Mortality Database and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's WONDER database.

Results showed that, in the 1970s, the country experienced a rapid and significant jump in life expectancy. But by the 1990s, that increase started to level off.

In 2011, US life expectancy plateaued, and three years later it started to drop.

"We've reached the point where we're going into a free fall," Woolf said.

Medical advances, particularly in the realms of cancer treatment and heart health, prompted an almost 10-year increase in the average American's lifespan. Between 1959 and 2013, life expectancy rose from 69.9 years to 78.9 years. Now, however, that average has dropped to 78.6 years.

The news isn't good if you compare it to other countries, either. In 1960, Americans had the highest life expectancy of any country in the world. But in the past couple of years, the US has plummeted to the bottom of the list of countries with a similar GDP and high average income, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation.

In fact, the US is currently ranked in the mid-40s globally in terms of life expectancy, squished between countries like Lebanon, Cuba, and Chile, which have GDPs that fall far short of our own.

That troubling dip, according to Woolf, can be linked to the fact that deaths among Americans ages 25 to 64 are increasing.

'Working-age' Americans are dying

These deaths can't be traced back to a single cause, either. Woolf's research revealed that mortality among members of this age group has increased from 35 different causes. However, drug overdose, alcohol abuse, and suicide  appear to be the primary culprits.

This age group experienced a nearly four-fold increase in fatal drug overdoses between 1999 and 2017.

Suicide rates went up by nearly 40% for people between the ages of 25 and 64, and by 56% for people ages 55 to 64 during the same time frame. For Americans between the ages of 25 and 34, the rate of alcohol-related disease deaths spiked almost 160%, as well.

Obesity-related mortality rates among this age group also went up by 114%, and deaths linked to high blood increased by about 80%.

"Working-age Americans are more likely to die in the prime of their lives," Woolf said. Between 2010 and 2017, midlife US adults experienced a 6% total increase in mortality rate.

The largest increases in death rates occurred among people living in New England states (middle-aged New Hampshirites saw a 23.3% uptick; Maine residents, 20.7%; Vermont dwellers, 19.9%) and residents of the Ohio Valley (West Virginians experienced a 23% increase and Ohioans, 21.6%).

Not all parts of the US experienced the same trend, however. Life expectancy between 2010 and 2017 increased for Americans living in Hawaii, California, and parts of the Pacific Northwest. Many medical researchers and scientists are attributing this alarming trend to income disparity and employment volatility.  If you found this article interesting please SIGNUP!  Also did you know we offer hundreds of professional caliber products with FREE same day shipping in our natural pharmacy?  Visit and check out our wonderful products and see our major discounts on the freshest products available anywhere!  Next week don't miss a discussion on why more Americans are choosing alternative medicine. See you then and as always, best of health!


Dr. Taryn

Holistic Doctor

Natural Pharmacy


January 14th, 2020 at 6:50 pm

Due to unforseen complications, tonight's blog as been delayed.  We apologize for any inconvenience

January 7th, 2020 at 6:30 pm

new upcoming blogs jan 2020 




I promised to share my 2020 health resolutions with you and here they are!  Any or preferably ALL are the most important steps a person could ever take to improving their health.



#1. Just MOVE


I decided that I had gotten semi lazy after hurting my shoulder back in August and it was true.  After a month of relative inactivity I had never gotten back up to my previous level of activity.  Over the holidays, I had decided to extremely limit my time on social media, as well as the smart phone and computer in general and that has helped loads. When I am not sitting staring at those objects I am infinitely more active.  Each morning I limit my time checking emails to just a few minutes and get moving.  I find my house is getting cleaner by the minute and I feel better having strenous physical activity and the feeling of accomplishing things.  Movement is one of the most important requirements the human body has and it is no secret that a sedentary lifestyle is linked to every chronic disease there is.  Aim for at least 60 minutes of daily physical activity it's important and it feels great especially once you get used to it.


#2 Drink ALOT Of Water


I believe I have mentioned that in Japan it is customary to drink a huge glass of water upon arising in the morning. Even I did not drink much water in the morning but I realized I needed to change that....and I have.  I try to now drink one half to three quarters of a liter of mineral water in the morning before lunch. If your urine is not very light yellow or colorless you are not drinking enough water.  This is true even in the presence of supplements.  Without water most metabolic processes in the body are hampered.  Thirst is not a reliable indicator of hydration.  By the time you are thirsty or your urine is yellow you are dehydrated.  Drinking coffee or tea in the morning is extremely dehydrating.  I gave up caffeine about 5 years ago and that certainly helps but you simply MUST drink water.


#3 Stay Positive


I do my best to remain positive and that is largely due to staying away from news headlines.  Unfortunately, social media means you are literally forced to ingest large quantities of bad news everyday.  I know it had an impact on my attitude so I don't participate anymore and I feel better.   When you feel better emotionally your health HAS to improve.


Well, these are just some thoughts on my 2020 health resolutions.  I hope they are helpful to you.  Should you need assistance with your health and wellness this year, please contact us anytime for an appointment at 847-577-4455. Above, I have posted our other upcoming topics for January.  Don't miss why the US life expectancy is on the decline for several years now.  Sign up here for notifications.  


Did you know we offer 500 professional products from brands like Douglas Labs, Metagenics, Neuroscience, Rx Vitamins, Pure Encapsulations and so much more!  You can even test kits on our website for many health concerns you may have.    Our current best selling item is the TimeMaster Pro!  Get yours Here! They are sold out everywhere!   Thanks and see you next week!


Dr. Taryn DeCicco


December 31st, 2019 at 5:59 pm

healthy new year




Most people really dislike winter.  And for good reason:  With extreme cold weather comes health hazards like frostbite, seasonal affective disorder, SAD,  and even an increased risk of heart attacks.


BUT:  There's some benefits to that cold:


Cold Weather Burns Calories

You may have heard of "brown fat," a type of fat found naturally in parts of the body that, when triggered, can burn off other "white" fat. In a 2012 study, researchers found that cold weather seemed to set the brown fat into motion, and that simply being cold could cause significant calorie burn. (Exercise may have a similar effect, as demonstrated in a study from around the same time, the New York Times reported.) The study, admittedly, was small – however.



Staying indoors may help relationships.  With less distraction people may focus more on their relationships.


Cold Weather Is Less Hospitable For Disease-Carrying Bugs

Winter and its effect on the disease-spreading mosquito population. The pests thrive in milder climates, meaning  they were able to survive -- and breed -- all winter, just waiting to feast come spring. Freezing or below-freezing temps might kill off some of them (and ticks), thereby protecting you from the illnesses they are known to spread.


Cold Weather Brings Greater Appreciation Of Brighter Days

Research suggests that if the weather never changes, you start taking that sunshine for granted. Shivering through the cold makes those warm spring days seem even better when they finally come along, according to Psychology Today.  I notice this all the time in Chicago. A day with sunshine is a day where people positively bloom


Cold Weather Can Reduce Inflammation

There's a reason putting ice on an injury works. That drop in temperature reduces inflammation in, say, a sprained joint. But the theory also works on a big scale, too -- cold temperatures can reduce inflammation and pain all over.  A 2011 study found that, at extremely low temperatures, such treatments, called cryotherapy, did more for athletes to recover from physical activity than simply resting. Runners who were exposed to temperatures as low as -166 degrees F recovered from exercise faster than those who given other therapies or told to rest.


Cold Weather May Boost Your Body Image


While I can't advocate chowing down on wintertime comfort foods, there is an escape from the pressure to get a "bikini body." It's a great time to focus on fitness -- hello, New Year's resolutions -- without the pressure to do so for your looks alone.  On Tuesday I will disclose my New Year's Health resolutions.  SignUP!  If you'd like to hear them.  Did you know we sell over  500 professional products from brands like: Metagenics, Thorne, Health Concerns, Orthomolecular products, Pure Encapsulations, RX Vitamins, and many more. Visit our store to see our great prices and FREE shipping on every order!  Thank you!

Wishing you all a very healthy and happy 2020!  

Dr. Taryn DeCicco


December 18th, 2019 at 6:37 pm

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This may not be the most timely post as we are entering into a feasting mode but it came up due to discussion with a dear friend of mine who asked me what I thought of Sadh Guru's discussion of intermittent fasting on FB.  It took me a couple of days to watch the video he posted on his Facebook page but I was glad I did as I agreed with it totally.  I was unaware that this is a yogic practice but it is one that I have intuitively done for all of my life.


His premise is that a minimum of an 8 hour span is necessary in order for your body to assimilate and metabolize the foods you eat.  He emphatically states  that all modern illness is due to overeating and that in 6 weeks these illnesses can be overcome by fasting intermittently.   Sounds reasonable but is there any real science behind this?


Seems like there is:


#1 IF improves lipolysis, fat burning in the body. In fact, studies show that participants lose about 7% if their waist circumference.  This is due to reductions in insulin and increases in growth hormone.  Fasting can also decrease insulin levels and lower "bad" LDL cholesterol levels.


#2 IF may slow the aging process. According to research, IF keeps mitochondria in a youthful state, and literally rejuvenates our bodies.


#3 IF may be beneficial to skin disorders by triggering detoxification.


#4 Reduces inflammation,  since inflammation is at the root of most chronic disease decreasing inflammation is extremely helpful in preserving and restoring health.  Fasting controls the release of free radicals.  IF along with increased water consumption will help eliminate inflammation in some cases.


#5 Improves brain function.  Between the reduction of inflammatory chemicals and the increase of neurotrophic factors, people who try IF report feeling sharper minded and focused.


#6 Reduced risk of heart disease and diabetes.  By reducing blood sugars, and insulin levels, IF drops risk of these chronic illnesses.


#7 Reduces oxidative stress which is akin to rusting in the human body and plays a significant role in development of chronic diseases as well as the aging process.


#8 Since it is more focused on when to eat versus what to eat it may be simpler for many people to implement. I do not advocate IF for people who have chronic illness unless it is supervised well.  If you'd like more information please schedule an appointment at 847 577 4455.



This is our last blog post before Christmas so Happy Holidays to you all.  On Tuesday 12 31 I will discuss some benefits to living in cold weather.  I hope you will join us.  We will also post our topics for the month of January at that time.  Sign UP here so you don't miss a thing.  And DON'T Forget to visit our store for great prices on hundreds of amazing professional products.  Thank you for your support and Happy Holidays!



December 11th, 2019 at 6:21 pm

I realize that this article is a week late.  Mike,  my fabulous assistant was injured and had to have  emergency surgery last week.  I didn't even have time to post a postponement for you all.  I'm sorry....





Of all the wonderful beauty products I use from my site here, I think this is one of my favorites.  This Beauty Bar wand just energizes your face, aids circulation, lifts the skin and helps your beauty products and serums penetrate deeper into the dermis. seriously what more could you want?  I own two and suggest buying two so that you can do both sides of your face at the same time.  At our prices this is a steal!  Best on the internet-lots of crappy imitations out there and FREE Shipping.  Great Gift idea or stocking stuffer!  Just $19.99 each and FREE Shipping.  Buy now as quantities are limited!




beauty bar

Another amazing product that is a professional product is the Time Master Pro.  This product is sold out everywhere. We don't expect to be able to ship until after the 15th of December but that does not detract from its value.  Every Master Esthetician in the world is raving about this Korean invention.  This ultrasound machine causes waves to vibrate the surrounding skin tissues known as the cascade of intracellular communication.  In lay terms it strengthens and lifts the skin like no other device.  Currently, all our purchased and back orders have shipped out and been delivered.  We are not expecting a shipment until after December 15th so I would not guarantee having it for the holidays.  Still and all it is worth the wait.  Our clients have been thrilled at the quality and efficacy.  Even at the hefty price: $699 FREE shipping.  Order NOW to avoid a long wait.

time master pro



Next week join me for a discussion about intermittent fasting and it's benefits. You won't want to miss this!  Sign UP! so you don't miss a thing.    Don't Forget to visit our store where we offer hundreds of professional products at great prices and FREE shipping.   Thank you!  See you next week and best of health!


Dr. Taryn DeCicco

