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The Negativity Cure Part II
July 22nd, 2015 at 6:42 pm




The Negativity Cure-Part II



I have been a physician and healer for 16 years and I can attest to the fact that the habit of negative thinking is a very likely predictor of illness of all kinds in life.  It has incredible power to wreck health not to mention lives.  I would go so far to say that if one were never negative he would never be ill.


Also, as a physician I can also tell you that negative thinking is a great prognosticator of just who will or will not heal and how quickly.  I have known for years that some 70 to 80% of the people I see for initial visits will not heal even if they initially respond to treatment because they are just too negative.  They will quit treatment or create obstacles or even relapse because they are just too negative to receive healing.  It is not enjoyable being with these people. 


Today I will discuss the most common root causes  and habits of negative thinking. Recognizing these patterns in yourself or others is the first step in eradicating them and getting a more joyfilled existence.


The most common mistake of negative thinkers is thinking and believing that negative thinking is realistic and somehow good.  Believing the worst and seeing the black isn't good its just well....negative.


Negative thinkers also engage in very black and white thinking.  The black thoughts become all or nothing and destroy joy which is found in life which is mostly subtle grays.


Another pattern is generalizing gloom.  If something goes wrong, it becomes everything instead of that specific instance or event.


Negative thinkers are not fair and balanced with regard to positive events in life. They tend to overemphasize only the negative.  In anyone's life, the truth is that much more good stuff happens then bad.  Negative thinkers do not recognize the good, even when it is front and center.


Negative thinkers also tend to internalize bad or unfortunate events by blaming themselves even in cases where this is clearly not the case.  This tends to leads to spirals of more negative thinking.


Lastly, negative thinkers tend to use their imagination to create fear and angst rather than happiness.


If you see yourself or a loved one in this article please consider coming in for help. I have been very successful in changing people's attitudes with homeopathics,meditation and flower essences if they are motivated to do so. 




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