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KICK ACNE'S Behind for GOOD!
September 4th, 2012 at 11:52 pm

ANY skin specialist....dermatologist, aesthetician, cosmetologist and YES I am a NATURAL skin specialist will tell you that acne is nearly epidemic among most age groups across the board.


The skin and gut connection has been recognized as undeniable in the medical community. In fact, most dermatologists will acknowledge that gut issues and skin problems frequently occur together.

And the research is there to confirm the gut-skin connection.

For example, one study investigated 13,000 adolescents. Those with acne were more likely to experience symptoms of gastrointestinal distress like constipation and heartburn. The study found that abdominal bloating, which is a sure sign of intestinal dysbiosis and inflammation, was 37% more likely to be associated with acne. (1)

Other studies have found a definite link between mental health and skin disorders. (2)(3) Some studies have even shown that stress can impair normal and healthy gut bacteria. (4)

In fact, as far back as 1930 physicians have had evidence to show that:

  • Beneficial bacteria can improve inflammatory skin conditions.
  • Beneficial bacteria can positively affect psychological symptoms, like depression.
  • The health of the gut, brain, and skin are all interrelated.

Most acne interventions...and I have developed two, based on natural antimicrobial botannicals to be available in my clinic and online store shortly deal only with the superficial aspects of they kill bacteria on the skin's surface.


Tell me this, if your body is a veritable bacteria factory and your body is using it's detoxification pathways to try to clear it via the skin, the body's largest organ how does one combat acne????


Well you can continue dealing with bacteria at the surface only, OR Holistically speaking you can get to the cause. While I use acupuncture and herbs for severe skin symptoms short term,   the cause is BACTERIA and people with chronic acne have a condition known as intestinal dysbiosis whereupon they are overrun with usually at least three types of bacterias and sometimes fungus as well.  Unless the time is taken to culture and test for this the situation can never be corrected and arrested.  Chronic infection also leads invariably to leaky gut syndrome as discussed last week.


If you could get rid of acne for good AND drastically improve your health wouldn't you DO IT????


I see people every day who have wasted years looking dreadful having bad health and lowered self esteem while spending alot of time and money getting WORSE. Do NOT be one of those people!


I have helped hundreds of people with acne and many other skin conditions and it does take time and effort but usually far less than they think.  It involves getting tested properly, getting the right treatment of diet, probiotics and antimicrobials tailored to their test results and some topical assistance for the first month in severe cases.  After that the skin will take a turn for the better and continue to improve until they do not need treatment any longer...usually 4-12 months.


If you or someone you know are READY to kick acne's behind please call or refer them to us...I am doing free skin consults this month so please call us anytime.  I have an AMAZING array of personally formulated acne products as well as skin beautifiers in my Acne and Skin Boutique aisles of my store. I am more than happy to guide you regarding the selection of any product.


PS: our 12% Airegiline cream is now available in our online store.


Yours in Skin Health!



Best of Health!


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Taryn DeCicco, ND, LAc, LDN



Clinical Nutritionist

Professional Vitamins and Supplements

Chinese Herbs

Natural Skin Products

Arlington Heights, IL


We specialize in Acne, Skin, and Digestive disorders!  Please contact us for a free consultation!  I do work long distance.  Thank you from the bottom of our cart!  We truly appreciate your product purchases, visits, and referrals!  They enable us to give people the help they need and continue our valuable work.