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Steroid Injections May Lead To More Harm Than Good


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January 14th, 2020 at 6:50 pm

Due to unforseen complications, tonight's blog as been delayed.  We apologize for any inconvenience

January 7th, 2020 at 6:30 pm

new upcoming blogs jan 2020 




I promised to share my 2020 health resolutions with you and here they are!  Any or preferably ALL are the most important steps a person could ever take to improving their health.



#1. Just MOVE


I decided that I had gotten semi lazy after hurting my shoulder back in August and it was true.  After a month of relative inactivity I had never gotten back up to my previous level of activity.  Over the holidays, I had decided to extremely limit my time on social media, as well as the smart phone and computer in general and that has helped loads. When I am not sitting staring at those objects I am infinitely more active.  Each morning I limit my time checking emails to just a few minutes and get moving.  I find my house is getting cleaner by the minute and I feel better having strenous physical activity and the feeling of accomplishing things.  Movement is one of the most important requirements the human body has and it is no secret that a sedentary lifestyle is linked to every chronic disease there is.  Aim for at least 60 minutes of daily physical activity it's important and it feels great especially once you get used to it.


#2 Drink ALOT Of Water


I believe I have mentioned that in Japan it is customary to drink a huge glass of water upon arising in the morning. Even I did not drink much water in the morning but I realized I needed to change that....and I have.  I try to now drink one half to three quarters of a liter of mineral water in the morning before lunch. If your urine is not very light yellow or colorless you are not drinking enough water.  This is true even in the presence of supplements.  Without water most metabolic processes in the body are hampered.  Thirst is not a reliable indicator of hydration.  By the time you are thirsty or your urine is yellow you are dehydrated.  Drinking coffee or tea in the morning is extremely dehydrating.  I gave up caffeine about 5 years ago and that certainly helps but you simply MUST drink water.


#3 Stay Positive


I do my best to remain positive and that is largely due to staying away from news headlines.  Unfortunately, social media means you are literally forced to ingest large quantities of bad news everyday.  I know it had an impact on my attitude so I don't participate anymore and I feel better.   When you feel better emotionally your health HAS to improve.


Well, these are just some thoughts on my 2020 health resolutions.  I hope they are helpful to you.  Should you need assistance with your health and wellness this year, please contact us anytime for an appointment at 847-577-4455. Above, I have posted our other upcoming topics for January.  Don't miss why the US life expectancy is on the decline for several years now.  Sign up here for notifications.  


Did you know we offer 500 professional products from brands like Douglas Labs, Metagenics, Neuroscience, Rx Vitamins, Pure Encapsulations and so much more!  You can even test kits on our website for many health concerns you may have.    Our current best selling item is the TimeMaster Pro!  Get yours Here! They are sold out everywhere!   Thanks and see you next week!


Dr. Taryn DeCicco


December 31st, 2019 at 5:59 pm

healthy new year




Most people really dislike winter.  And for good reason:  With extreme cold weather comes health hazards like frostbite, seasonal affective disorder, SAD,  and even an increased risk of heart attacks.


BUT:  There's some benefits to that cold:


Cold Weather Burns Calories

You may have heard of "brown fat," a type of fat found naturally in parts of the body that, when triggered, can burn off other "white" fat. In a 2012 study, researchers found that cold weather seemed to set the brown fat into motion, and that simply being cold could cause significant calorie burn. (Exercise may have a similar effect, as demonstrated in a study from around the same time, the New York Times reported.) The study, admittedly, was small – however.



Staying indoors may help relationships.  With less distraction people may focus more on their relationships.


Cold Weather Is Less Hospitable For Disease-Carrying Bugs

Winter and its effect on the disease-spreading mosquito population. The pests thrive in milder climates, meaning  they were able to survive -- and breed -- all winter, just waiting to feast come spring. Freezing or below-freezing temps might kill off some of them (and ticks), thereby protecting you from the illnesses they are known to spread.


Cold Weather Brings Greater Appreciation Of Brighter Days

Research suggests that if the weather never changes, you start taking that sunshine for granted. Shivering through the cold makes those warm spring days seem even better when they finally come along, according to Psychology Today.  I notice this all the time in Chicago. A day with sunshine is a day where people positively bloom


Cold Weather Can Reduce Inflammation

There's a reason putting ice on an injury works. That drop in temperature reduces inflammation in, say, a sprained joint. But the theory also works on a big scale, too -- cold temperatures can reduce inflammation and pain all over.  A 2011 study found that, at extremely low temperatures, such treatments, called cryotherapy, did more for athletes to recover from physical activity than simply resting. Runners who were exposed to temperatures as low as -166 degrees F recovered from exercise faster than those who given other therapies or told to rest.


Cold Weather May Boost Your Body Image


While I can't advocate chowing down on wintertime comfort foods, there is an escape from the pressure to get a "bikini body." It's a great time to focus on fitness -- hello, New Year's resolutions -- without the pressure to do so for your looks alone.  On Tuesday I will disclose my New Year's Health resolutions.  SignUP!  If you'd like to hear them.  Did you know we sell over  500 professional products from brands like: Metagenics, Thorne, Health Concerns, Orthomolecular products, Pure Encapsulations, RX Vitamins, and many more. Visit our store to see our great prices and FREE shipping on every order!  Thank you!

Wishing you all a very healthy and happy 2020!  

Dr. Taryn DeCicco


December 18th, 2019 at 6:37 pm

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This may not be the most timely post as we are entering into a feasting mode but it came up due to discussion with a dear friend of mine who asked me what I thought of Sadh Guru's discussion of intermittent fasting on FB.  It took me a couple of days to watch the video he posted on his Facebook page but I was glad I did as I agreed with it totally.  I was unaware that this is a yogic practice but it is one that I have intuitively done for all of my life.


His premise is that a minimum of an 8 hour span is necessary in order for your body to assimilate and metabolize the foods you eat.  He emphatically states  that all modern illness is due to overeating and that in 6 weeks these illnesses can be overcome by fasting intermittently.   Sounds reasonable but is there any real science behind this?


Seems like there is:


#1 IF improves lipolysis, fat burning in the body. In fact, studies show that participants lose about 7% if their waist circumference.  This is due to reductions in insulin and increases in growth hormone.  Fasting can also decrease insulin levels and lower "bad" LDL cholesterol levels.


#2 IF may slow the aging process. According to research, IF keeps mitochondria in a youthful state, and literally rejuvenates our bodies.


#3 IF may be beneficial to skin disorders by triggering detoxification.


#4 Reduces inflammation,  since inflammation is at the root of most chronic disease decreasing inflammation is extremely helpful in preserving and restoring health.  Fasting controls the release of free radicals.  IF along with increased water consumption will help eliminate inflammation in some cases.


#5 Improves brain function.  Between the reduction of inflammatory chemicals and the increase of neurotrophic factors, people who try IF report feeling sharper minded and focused.


#6 Reduced risk of heart disease and diabetes.  By reducing blood sugars, and insulin levels, IF drops risk of these chronic illnesses.


#7 Reduces oxidative stress which is akin to rusting in the human body and plays a significant role in development of chronic diseases as well as the aging process.


#8 Since it is more focused on when to eat versus what to eat it may be simpler for many people to implement. I do not advocate IF for people who have chronic illness unless it is supervised well.  If you'd like more information please schedule an appointment at 847 577 4455.



This is our last blog post before Christmas so Happy Holidays to you all.  On Tuesday 12 31 I will discuss some benefits to living in cold weather.  I hope you will join us.  We will also post our topics for the month of January at that time.  Sign UP here so you don't miss a thing.  And DON'T Forget to visit our store for great prices on hundreds of amazing professional products.  Thank you for your support and Happy Holidays!



December 11th, 2019 at 6:21 pm

I realize that this article is a week late.  Mike,  my fabulous assistant was injured and had to have  emergency surgery last week.  I didn't even have time to post a postponement for you all.  I'm sorry....





Of all the wonderful beauty products I use from my site here, I think this is one of my favorites.  This Beauty Bar wand just energizes your face, aids circulation, lifts the skin and helps your beauty products and serums penetrate deeper into the dermis. seriously what more could you want?  I own two and suggest buying two so that you can do both sides of your face at the same time.  At our prices this is a steal!  Best on the internet-lots of crappy imitations out there and FREE Shipping.  Great Gift idea or stocking stuffer!  Just $19.99 each and FREE Shipping.  Buy now as quantities are limited!




beauty bar

Another amazing product that is a professional product is the Time Master Pro.  This product is sold out everywhere. We don't expect to be able to ship until after the 15th of December but that does not detract from its value.  Every Master Esthetician in the world is raving about this Korean invention.  This ultrasound machine causes waves to vibrate the surrounding skin tissues known as the cascade of intracellular communication.  In lay terms it strengthens and lifts the skin like no other device.  Currently, all our purchased and back orders have shipped out and been delivered.  We are not expecting a shipment until after December 15th so I would not guarantee having it for the holidays.  Still and all it is worth the wait.  Our clients have been thrilled at the quality and efficacy.  Even at the hefty price: $699 FREE shipping.  Order NOW to avoid a long wait.

time master pro



Next week join me for a discussion about intermittent fasting and it's benefits. You won't want to miss this!  Sign UP! so you don't miss a thing.    Don't Forget to visit our store where we offer hundreds of professional products at great prices and FREE shipping.   Thank you!  See you next week and best of health!


Dr. Taryn DeCicco


November 27th, 2019 at 3:32 pm







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Human beings have always had a strong powerful connection to sunlight that has evolved over thousands of years. Before the advent of electricity we were bound by the constraints of daylight, and our sleep cycles followed suit. But today, electricity and technological stimulation allow our minds and bodies to be active long after sundown, which can wreak havoc on our health. Many hormonal processes in our body are literally hardwired to be orchestrated by sunlight and the absence of sunlight. It is no surprise that adhering to a normal sleep pattern is therefore very important to maintaining optimal health.



The "Body Clock"

Many people report that they fall asleep easily, but wake at the same time in the middle of the night. This can be frustrating, especially if you can't fall back asleep and wake up tired the next day. The concept of an “Organ Clock" in Chinese medicine is a useful tool in understanding why this occurs. In Chinese medicine, energy or qi, moves through the body's meridians and organs in a 24 hour cycle. Every two hours the qi (or energy) is strongest within a particular organ and its functions within the body. And that's not all - 
the body, mind and emotions are inseparable in Chinese medicine - meaning that if you have disharmony in your physical body, it is tied to your emotional state. So if you wake up at 3 AM, when Liver energy peaks, you may be suffering from Liver Qi stagnation, which could be related to an unhealthy diet, excess alcohol consumption, unresolved anger or high levels of stress. If you consistently wake at 4 AM - it could be due to an imbalance in your Lungs, which is related to grief and sadness, fatigue, or reduced immune function. 

The most important time to sleep!

According to Chinese medicine, it's not only how much sleep you get that matters, but also when you get it. A bedtime of 10:30pm (at the latest) is advised so that you are asleep by 11pm when the Liver and Gallbladder start to regulate qi, process emotions, balance hormones and detoxify the body. According to Chinese medicine, the window from 11 PM - 3 AM, which correlates to the Liver and Gallbladder, is most important in terms of maintaining health, especially as we age. Many of us have heard the old adage: “Every hour of sleep before midnight is worth two after midnight.” This idea is backed by modern sleep science - we experience the deepest part of sleep during the first third of the night. This deep sleep, or Slow Wave Sleep (SWS), is the most restorative part of our sleep. During these hours the stress hormone cortisol is reduced and parasympathetic nervous system activity increases, which allows us to fully rest and move away from the fight or flight responses that dominate during waking hours. SWS is associated with memory and learning. A lack of this type of sleep can lead to reduced daytime functioning and alertness as well as waking feeling unrefreshed. Further, human growth hormone, which is essential to repairing our bodies from daily injury and maintaining health, is released from 9pm-7am, making each hour of sleep during this time critical. 

Check out the guide below to find some insight as to why you may be waking up at a certain hour.  Acupuncture is a great way to balance the qi within your body to improve sleep and energy and balance emotions. Yoga, meditation, physical activity, a healthy diet and adhering to a consistent bed time will also greatly impact your sleep. 


9 PM - 11 PM  //  Triple Burner (related to the Heart and Pericardium)
Emotion: Joy or lack of joy, depression, hopelessness.
Functions: The Triple Burner is not a distinct organ but is related to our endocrine and lymphatic systems. It controls metabolism within the body. 
Symptoms of imbalance: Mania, feelings of guilt, depression, adrenal fatigue, hormone imbalance, sluggish metabolism, frequent headaches, fatigue, earaches, swollen lymph nodes, fibromyalgia, thyroid disorder, alternating chills and fever. 
Tips: Consider going to bed earlier, establish a calming nighttime routine, avoid artificial light after 9pm. 

11 PM - 1 AM  //  Gall Bladder (strongly tied to the Liver)
Emotion: Indecisiveness
Functions: The Gallbladder stores and excretes bile to facilitate proper digestion. It also rules the decision making process, controls the sinews and tendons and governs dreams. 
Symptoms of imbalance: Indecision, frequent sighing, rash decisions, poor judgement, difficulty making decisions, shyness, timidity, high cholesterol, resentment, dream-disturbed sleep, weak tendons, tendonitis. 
Tips: Avoid alcohol, transfats and spicy foods. Eat a small dinner well before bedtime and avoid snacking before bed. 

1 AM - 3 AM  //  Liver
Emotion: Anger/Irritability
Functions: The Liver is responsible for detoxifying our bodies and processing emotions each night. The Liver stores the blood and governs the qi of the body. It is associated with the tendons, nails and eyes. Think back to a night when you had too much to drink or a period of intense frustration at work. Did you wake up around between 1-3am unable to fall back asleep? From a Chinese medicine perspective your liver was overloaded with and struggled to do its work.
Symptoms of imbalance: Explosive outbursts of anger, bottled up emotions, resentment, irritability, moodiness, frustration, high blood pressure, chest distention, PMS, bitter taste in mouth, digestive upset, dizziness, migraine headache, breast tenderness, blurred vision, eye floaters, red face, tendonitis, frequent sighing. 
Tips: Make sure to drink alcohol in moderation and eat your last meal a few hours before bed. Consider a whole foods cleanse. Cut out coffee for a week and replace it with green tea. Find ways to deal with your anger and frustrations in a healthy way. Get regular exercise. 

3 AM - 5 AM  //  Lung
Emotion: Sadness/Grief
Functions: The Lungs govern the respiratory and immune system, regulate the sweat glands, and moisten the skin.
Symptoms of imbalance: Feelings of sadness or grief that have not been dealt with, shortness of breath, sweating easily, weak voice, shallow breathing, fatigue, cough, frequent cold/flu, fever with chills, sore throat, runny nose, headache, allergies, asthma, chest pain, pale complexion, dry skin, depression, crying.
Tips: Try breathing exercises, Qi Gong,  meditation or yoga to improve your lung capacity. Consider getting counseling or talking to a friend about feelings of sadness or grief. Write in your journal about your emotions before bed each night.  Did you know I offer acupuncture, cupping, facial acupuncture, moxibustion and much much more?  Call us to schedule an appointment. $20 off if you call NOW. 847 577 4455.  Next week I will showcase some amazing holiday gift ideas.  Don't miss this.  Sign Up Here.  Don't forget to visit my natural pharmacy for hundreds of fresh new health products which are updated daily.  FAST, FREE shipping on each order. 

Orders placed by 5PM are typically shipped that same day. 

Wishing you all a healthy Thanksgiving.

Thank you for your support, Dr, Taryn DeCicco,






November 20th, 2019 at 6:08 pm




Activated charcoal has one real use: accidental posioning or drug overdose. Activated charcoal removes these poisons through a process called adsorption.  I recently became aware of a new health craze regarding activated charcoal around Halloween of this year. At the root of the new activated charcoal health fad is the misuse, or misunderstanding, of the word “toxin”. In a detox- crazy-fad world, toxins are used to refer to impurities or anything undesirable in your body: stains on your teeth, dirt or dust on your skin, naturally present sugars in your juice, a hangover after a night out,too much Halloween candy?

Personal care products (like teeth whiteners, face masks, soaps, shampoos, and deodorants) containing activated charcoal bank on the idea that impurities can be drawn out during use. Since these products are meant for external use only, they perhaps won't cause any real harm. But there is little to no research to prove that the trace amounts of activated charcoal, combined with other ingredients, in these products are effective or more just marketing.

Activated charcoal products meant to be taken by mouth or eaten, however, are a different story.   The same detox effects of activated charcoal can disrupt your regular diet and medication regimen. Whatever foods or other supplements are  sitting in your stomach can potentially adsorb to the activated charcoal in your detox .

Though the recommended starting dose of activated charcoal for adults (25–100 grams) may not seem like a lot, a teaspoonful of the powder has the same surface area as a football field. Since supplements and retail restaurants are not regulated by the FDA, it's hard to know the exact amount of activated charcoal used, so it's possible that there's enough to cause some harm. Regular intake of activated charcoal may even cause nutrition deficiencies malnutrition or malabsorption.

Here are the risks of consuming activated charcoal:

  1. It can prevent your body from digesting food and absorbing nutrients.
  2. It can make medications and other supplements WAY less effective.
  3. Side effects can include diarrhea, constipation, vomiting, and blockage of the digestive tract.

Last summer, New York City, under orders from the FDA, had to ban activated charcoal in restaurants—presumably because the city had become a mecca of activated charcoal treats.

What medications are affected by activated charcoal?

As  above, almost anything taken by mouth can adsorb to activated charcoal given the right circumstances. There is really no safe way to take this and no health advantages to doing so.

People taking ongoing or chronic medications (like statinsantidepressants, the birth control pill, and blood pressure drugs) can be affected the most by activated charcoal, since staying on schedule is important for managing the condition.

– – –

While activated charcoal definitely has a place in the medical world, consumer products and foods containing activated charcoal are not proven to have any medical benefit. Always discuss with your holistic physician or nutrition specialist if you're thinking about changing your diet, starting a new supplement, or going on a detox cleanse. Also, be a lot more discerning of information found on the internet.  Next week join me for a discussion about if you are awakening each night at the same time, Chinese medicine may explain why.  Until then, I hope you will visit my Natural Pharmacy for great deals on hundreds of amazing.  FRESH health products and FREE, superfast shipping on each order. I am an authorized distributor of every product we sell so you know they are100% authentic and have never been warehoused.  Please sign up for notifications of blog topics, special events and sales on our website. I look forward to sharing this topic with you next week and as always:


Best of Health!


Dr. Taryn DeCicco




November 6th, 2019 at 6:58 pm


Doctors and patients should be aware that if they're using steroid injections to relieve the pain associated with osteoarthritis:

the shots may be doing more harm than good.
In a new study published in the journal Radiology, researchers looked at 459 patients in a US hospital who had received one to three corticosteroid injections into a knee or hip.
Of those patients, 36 of them, or 8%, experienced adverse events in their joints, as shown on medical imaging tests.
Researchers saw an acceleration of the patients' osteoarthritis progression, as well as other negative effects including subchondral insufficiency fracture, osteonecrosis and rapid joint destruction with bone loss.
Ali Guermazi, a radiology professor at Boston University and a co-author of the  study, told CNN the paper built on another 2019 study that showed similar results.
Now, the evidence is stacking up, and the negative effects might have actually extended higher than the 8% of patients with complications seen in the study so far, he said.
He cautioned, however, that it was just an observational study, and scientists would still need to do a double-blind study to back up these findings.
These results offer food for thought for patients struggling with osteoarthritis.

Steroid injections are a common first line treatment in dealing with osteoarthriti.s

Osteoarthritis occurs when the cartilage that cushions the bones wears down over time, according to the Mayo Clinic.
Doctors often give the steroid injections to help with short-term pain relief, particularly for patients who can't tolerate acetaminophen and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
In the short term, side effects are rare.
Richard Kijowski, a professor of radiology at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine, wrote an editorial accompanying the recent study saying the objective of the journal's special report was "to educate radiologists that the intra-articular corticosteroid injection they routinely perform with little, if any, thought about long-term safety may cause more harm than benefit."
He noted a 2015 Cochrane Review analysis found that the beneficial effect from the steroid injections didn't last more than six months.

Patients should be careful when considering steroid treatment

With 10% of men and 13% of women older than 60 being diagnosed with osteoarthritis, the findings have implications for those with the most common joint disorder in the United States.
An important takeaway, Guermazi said, is that doctors should inform patients of all the possible risks of steroid injections as they weigh treatment options together.
Currently the American College of Rheumatology "conditionally recommends" steroid treatments and the Osteoarthritis Research Society International says they should be considered in patients with moderate to severe pain, the paper says.
Guermazi wasn't ready to commit to how exactly the steroid treatments might actually cause osteoarthritis complications.
But he said the study's observational evidence might be particularly relevant to younger patients mulling over steroid treatments, as it might lead to them needing joint replacements sooner.
All in all, it still comes down to the patient's choice.
The researchers say "patient preference should have a substantial influence on the type of treatment selected."
I am not sure why more people don't come in for natural treatment for osteoarthritis.  Recently, I treated a 60 year old hiker for moderate knee osteoarthritis.  With just a few supplements she has improved over 80% in 8 weeks and that improvement has continued to be cumulative.  An important note: she had tried supplements on her on with no results whatsoever.  This is not unusual here, in fact it is typical.
In another recent case, I treated an 80 year old patient with acupuncture only  for severe osteoarthritis  That client was able to discontinue pain medications in 4 weeks.  She is now on a routine maintenance program.  I am not certain why most people don't seek better more natural options for themself!  They are truly health saving!  Should you wish to schedule an appointment please call or contact us at 847 577 4455.  You can also visit our joint section of our natural pharmacy here. FREE, FAST shipping and FRESH Products. Most clients receive their orders within 2 business days.  This weekend check your emails for important news from us. Thank you for your patronage and best of health!
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October 31st, 2019 at 6:27 pm




This is not a trick! 


Weight Loss can be a very complex and frustrating situation for the average person. This is because:


·         Metabolism is VERY complex and unique to each and every person

·         The type of calories you consume matters

·         The health of your GI tract matters


For example, those following the ketogenic diet (high fat, low protein, low carbohydrate) tend to lose weight rather quickly as the body is in a state of ketosis, which is its fat-burning mode. The ketogenic diet, which is typically higher in calories, may be helpful for quick weight loss, but it may not be beneficial long-term for supporting the gut microbiome as a high fat diet may negatively affect diversity of microorganisms in the gut.   

Research shows that the gut-brain axis can influence metabolism via many different pathways,and microbes are partly responsible. We know that microbes directly influence the following, mainly through communication with the vagus nerve:

·         Immune system function via cytokine production

·         Short chain fatty acid production (e.g., butyrate)

·         Neurotransmitter production (e.g., serotonin)

There are Mice Studies, But Limited Human Studies

Researchers have revealed some pretty interesting connections between gut microbes and weight, but we don't have many human studies to back up their findings. For instance, if bacteria from obese mice are transplanted into the intestines of germ-free mice (mice bred with a sterile gut, i.e., no gut microbiome), the germ-free mice tend to gain weight. Think about that for a moment. 

What we do know from human trials is lean twins tend to have greater diversity of gut microbes compared to obese twins. What this means is that certain bacteria, like Bacteriodetes, may play a role in the breakdown of dietary fibers and utilization and production of energy by the body.

Findings like these do not necessarily suggest that human fecal microbial transplants from lean people into overweight people will lead to weight loss. These types of studies are being conducted right now, though, so this scenario might be a possibility in the future. 

What about antibiotics?  For example in one animal study,  when mice are administered low levels of antibiotics similar to what livestock receive, they can put on 15% more body fat than mice not given low dose antibiotics. Blaser goes on to explain that in certain areas of the USA, particularly the South where antibiotics are heavily used, the obesity rates are higher. This makes a stronger case for buying organic and pastured-raised animal products to minimize exposure to antibiotic residues. 

Inflammation in the Gut

If you have ever known anyone that's suffered with an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) like Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis, you know keeping weight on can be a problem for them. There are many reasons why IBD can lead to weight loss or the inability to gain weight, but chronic inflammation in the gut is likely the major cause. 

When the gut is inflamed, the cells lining the intestine are more likely to be damaged and absorption of nutrients is affected. As the body does not receive an adequate supply of nutrients from food, basic metabolic functions are disrupted, and muscle growth and fat storage are less likely to occur. When IBD sufferers are given steroids and/or supported through personalized medicine treatments, weight usually stabilizes and tends to return over time. 

Dysbiosis and Sugar Cravings

Dysbiosis is a term used to describe an imbalance of gut flora. It usually indicates an overgrowth of an organism, like yeast or bacteria or even a parasite. Dysbiosis can develop for many reasons such as frequent antibiotic use or chronic stress or poor diet, and I find that many people with chronic gut issues have dysbiosis. 

What I've seen clinically, and experienced personally myself, is that overgrowth of yeast can cause sugar cravings. Yeast throw a party when sugar and simple carbohydrates are present; eating these foods keeps the party going. 

When patients come in and complain of the following constellation of symptoms, I like to rule out bacterial, fungal and/or yeast or candida overgrowth in the intestines, or even SIBO:

·         Sugar and carbohydrate cravings

·         Skin rashes, or pruritus (itching of the skin)

·         Fatigue

·         Brain fog

·         Joint pain

·         Itchy anus

·         Yeast infections

Of course, this presentation of symptoms can be due to other factors, but if I hear all or some of the above symptoms, I'll investigate further by running a stool test and candida antibodies of blood work. Once I've backed up my findings and I'm certain that dysbiosis is present, I'll treat the dysbiosis with antifungal, antibacterial herbs and major dietary changes to change the intestinal terrain. There will also be a reimplantation of the beneficial bacterial strains the patient is deficient in.  Usually within 8 weeks, sugar cravings are down and weight tends to plateau or even decrease as dietary habits improve, as well as many other health markers.

If you have been unsuccessful using conventional methods to achieve weight loss, please give us a call at 847 577 4455.  I know you will be glad you did. 

PS. Many of our clients love this product for the metabolism. 

As always, Best of Health! and Happy Halloween

Dr. Taryn DeCicco 

Join me next week for a discussion about steroid injections and osteoarthritis including a recent case study. Sign UP!


Don't miss visiting our amazing natural pharmacy where we offer hundreds of top selling professional products with excellent discounts and FREE shipping on each order. All of our products are FRESH never warehoused and therefore much more effective.

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October 30th, 2019 at 7:03 pm

Due to being swamped with clients today, this week's blog article will be posted tomorrow.  We apologize for any inconvenience.
