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September 9th, 2008 at 11:14 pm

Before we get to this week's very important topic, I have two brief announcements!


#1 We are growing and I need to add a part-timer for the following hours: 9-12:00 or 1:00 PM Wednesdays and Thursdays from 3:00-5 or 5:30...there may be more hours if desired!  Please have any candidates contact me at: 847-577-4455 anytime...the sooner the better!!


#2 I am considering publishing a quarterly or monthly newsletter geared towards chinese medicine only. If you would be interested in receiving it by email please let us know by email or phone. You can opt out if you do not find it useful but I think you will!


Okay, on to this week's topic, natural healing for emotional disorders.

I remember being very surprised a few years ago at the sheer percentage of clients who were taking psychoactive drugs. It was

70% or even greater!!! Patients were taking antidepressants, anti-anxiety drugs, sleep drugs, sedatives, and of course this didn't include all those using abusing alcohol or recreational drugs, or painkillers to get through this thing called life.  It also didn't include those taking the medications to get through a stressful time such as a divorce.  I truly was stunned!!! Also, true to myself, I also wondered how much of these difficult emotions needed to be medicated or medically managed.  I had come through some extremely difficult times in my life and had struggled with major emotional turmoil and felt it had served a purpose in my personal evolution. Would I be the same individual if I had obliterated the signs that I was out of balance?  Would my growth had been compromised?  Does suffering serve a purpose?


The first item to establish is if someone is in crisis.  If the emotional load is debilitating and one cannot function it may need to be treated medically in the short run.  The same is true if it is due to major biochemical swings as in post partum depression.  In cases like that it may be impossible and even very dangerous to avoid treatment and try to tough it the short run. In other cases, it may be a lower grade problem, that has become a chronic state of affairs. In the long run, I would like to see some real healing occur, and I have seen time and time again that that is really possible.


The armamentarium of dealing with emotional disorders is not all that different from dealing with physical disorders.  The most important aspect is to establish what is out of balance and why.  After establishing that, selecting appropriate natural treatments is much easier, and more likely to work quickly and effectively.


First and foremost, getting personal habits in line is very key.  A nutritious diet that is individualized to one's personal biochemistry is very important to getting balanced emotionally.  Also, developing a personal exercise program, since over 2,000 studies support a link between exercise and depression for example, as well as appropriate sleep hygiene, help to significantly reduce stress on a person and strengthen their healing powers.  Dietary allergies, and physical problems such as a low thyroid or poor digestion or blood sugar imbalances can and often do manifest as anxiety or depression or agitation, or even hyperactivity. Seasonal Affective Disorder affects many people in our area and is treated with light therapy.


Nutrient deficiencies and biochemical imbalances often cause emotional symptoms. For instance: a vitamin B-12 deficiency can cause severe depression and is very common in older people.  Some people are lacking serotonin due to conversion problems and can be helped with substances such as 5HTP.


Occasionally, a traumatic event or life event can throw someone's balance completely off leading to a chronic emotional problem.  In those cases  I may use acupuncuncture and chinese medicines to balance the seven emotions.  It has been so effective that I have been able to help people avoid institutional interventions in some cases!


In deeper cases I am a big proponent of flower essence therapy  which is a form of homeopathy that focuses on the emotional health of a person.  It works by selecting and balancing deeper issues and can be subtle for awhile.  As things progress, it is akin to peeling away at an onion skin getting ultimately to deeper healing from deeper issues.  I have used flower essences for 10+ years in my practice.  These can be combined with even heavy duty medications, as they have no interactions with either western or herbal medications!  Visit our emotional health aisle for more information and to purchase these products:


I rarely prescribe herbal treatments for mood disorders due my commitment to getting to the root cause and treating it.  This has meant that my clients often in a short time are not needing to take anything because they no longer require treatment!!! In my opinion that is the best possible outcome.


Best of Health!


Visit our Natural Product Pharmacy for great prices and FREE SHIPPING on hundreds of natural products from professional brands like: Metagenics, Douglas Laboratories, Pure Encapsulations, Integrative Therapeutics, Thorne Research, and Carlson Labs!


Taryn DeCicco, ND, LAc, LDN



Clinical Nutritionist

Professional Vitamins and Supplements

Chinese Herbs

Natural Skin Products

Arlington Heights, IL


We specialize in Acne, Skin, and Digestive disorders!  Please contact us for a free consultation!  I do work long distance.  Thank you from the bottom of our cart!  We truly appreciate your product purchases, visits, and referrals!  They enable us to give people the help they need and continue our valuable work.

September 3rd, 2008 at 2:14 am

Finally this months nutrition news is up with tips to selecting a multiple vitamin and a valuable offer for you! After major technical difficulties, I lost DSL service due to a cut phone line secondary to Arlington Hts Road construction but the Nutrition News is now posted in the Newsletter Portal current issue!  Tomorrow, I should (fingers crossed), be able to publish your new September Site...I have done all the design work just need to edit it and compose your September Coupons for special supplement and visit specials!!! Hope you enjoy, there are some very interesting research briefs posted right now hope you'll visit soon!  


Best of Health!


Visit our Natural Product Pharmacy for top prices and FREE SHIPPING on hundreds of natural products from professional brands like: Metagenics, Douglas Laboratories, Pure Encapsulations, Integrative Therapeutics, Thorne Research, and Carlson Labs!


Taryn DeCicco, ND, LAc, LDN



Clinical Nutritionist

Professional Vitamins and Supplements

Chinese Herbs

Natural Skin Products

Arlington Heights, IL


We specialize in Acne, Skin, and Digestive disorders!  Please contact us for a free consultation!  I do work long distance.  Thank you from the bottom of our cart!  We truly appreciate your product purchases, visits, and referrals!  They enable us to give people the help they need and continue our valuable work.

August 30th, 2008 at 6:22 pm

My apologies for having to delay this weeks Multivitamin article. I will post it in the new issue of nutrition news by Sunday. By Tuesday I will have our new calendar of events, articles, meditation room, and testimonials posted for the entire month of September!!!  I am wishing you the best of health and a wonderful and safe holiday!!! Enjoy the fabulous weather. Thank you all. Hugs


Best of Health!


Visit our Natural Product Pharmacy for top prices and FREE SHIPPING on hundreds of natural products from professional brands like: Metagenics, Douglas Laboratories, Pure Encapsulations, Integrative Therapeutics, Thorne Research, and Carlson Labs!


Taryn DeCicco, ND, LAc, LDN



Clinical Nutritionist

Professional Vitamins and Supplements

Chinese Herbs

Natural Skin Products

Arlington Heights, IL


We specialize in Acne, Skin, and Digestive disorders!  Please contact us for a free consultation!  I do work long distance.  Thank you from the bottom of our cart!  We truly appreciate your product purchases, visits, and referrals!  They enable us to give people the help they need and continue our valuable work.

August 20th, 2008 at 2:12 pm

....But first a reminder, Freebie Friday the free peds nutrition consults will be held from 9:30-2PM on Friday the 22nd of August, Hope you can make it!.  Sorry, I didn't realize that alot of the kids would be back in school  that week when I set the date.


Okay this weeks blog topic is how to eat healthy on a budget in easy steps.


#1. Do not leave home without a list and adhere strictly to that list!

Most budgets are blown by impulse buys not "healthy" foods, and all manner of stores encourage this behavior so you have to be relentless about remaining on purpose.


#2. Watch for specials and coupons and sign up for special offers. Just as I do monthly most major stores and chains offer weekly specials and discounts which make sense if they are things your family uses. Locally grown in season produce in usually way healthier and more of a bargain than out of season or shipped produce.  Also check out farmer's market and coops for great deals on locally grown and organic produce.  Once the ingrediants are in your environment you will save tons of money by eating at home's also way healthier!


#3. Avoid processed, value-added foods such as lunchmeats, and packaged foods which are full of sodium and sugar, empty of nutrients and cost more than simple healthier foods.


#4. Stock up on staple foods like: whole grain flours, pasta and rice to stretch your dollars, create inexpensive meals, and save unnecessary trips to the grocery store, use store coupons for staples and buy when prices are low as they can be stored for up to a year.


#5. Eat a healthy snack before going grocery shopping to help eliminate temptation and leave the children at home.


#6. Compare packages and weights before buying, especially for canned items volumes can be deceptive.  Store brands such as whole foods 365 is a great way to buy healthier staples at reasonable prices.


#7. Use coupons for items you already buy.  Coupons are not a savings if you overbuy with them.  Coupons can save some shoppers up to 20% of their total grocery bill which means more funds for organic meats and vegetables.


#8. If you can't afford organic buy the foods that really matter. See my article "Is organic really better "for tips.


#9. Don't waste food.  If you make a healthy meal freeze the leftovers you don't use within 24 hours for another meal.  It saves money, and the nutritive content of the food while also limiting bacterial and mold contamination.


#10. Replace some meat meals with lower cost bean or pasta or ethic meals.  Vegan meals are much less expensive than meat meals have more vitamins and minerals and are much friendlier to the planet and your pocketbook.


Visit our store for GREAT products FREE shipping and wonderful prices!


Best of Health!


Visit our Natural Product Pharmacy for great prices and FREE SHIPPING on hundreds of natural products from professional brands like: Metagenics, Douglas Laboratories, Pure Encapsulations, Integrative Therapeutics, Thorne Research, and Carlson Labs!


Taryn DeCicco, ND, LAc, LDN



Clinical Nutritionist

Professional Vitamins and Supplements

Chinese Herbs

Natural Skin Products

Arlington Heights, IL


We specialize in Acne, Skin, and Digestive disorders!  Please contact us for a free consultation!  I do work long distance.  Thank you from the bottom of our cart!  We truly appreciate your product purchases, visits, and referrals!  They enable us to give people the help they need and continue our valuable work.

August 13th, 2008 at 12:14 pm

      I am not alarmist, as many of you know,  but I learned firsthand last year of the dangers of some personal care products when I got deathly poisoned by an Aveeno Sunscreen product. See Saving Your Skin.

As a healthcare provider I have also encountered difficult cases that were solved by looking at environmental factors.  This week, I am going to address some common causes of household toxins.  When you are doing everything possible to take care of yourself on the inside, it is good to look at some of these common household toxins.

#1 Cooking at high temperatures.  Frying oils at high temperatures or grilling constantly forms some carcinogenic compounds.  Do not grill foods without using a form of marinade which prevents these compounds from forming.  Never heat oils to a smoking point.

#2 Household air fresheners contain phthalates chemicals which cause known endocrine or hormone disruption and birth defects.

#3 Baby powder can cause respiratory distress and suffocation in infacts.  Talc is a known carcinogen.

#4 Formaldehyde, is a common chemical in carpeting, building materials, and particle board.  The Centers for Disease Control has found that long-term exposure can cause increased risk for lung cancer and other respiratory illness.

#5 Over 40% of childhood allergies could be eliminated by removing toxins and allergens in the home according to a 2001 study published in the Journal of Pediatrics.  Culprits include: dustmites, cockroaches, tobacco smoke, pets, wood smoke, drywall, wallpapaer, paneling materials, carpeting and mold.

#6 Incense, can cause cancer, asthma, and other respiratory illness, as well as possible mutagenic effects on DNA.  Candles often contain lead.

#7 Many antibacterial products contain a substance called triclosan which can lead to toxic poisoning in infants.  Also, use of antibacterial products can lead to overgrowth of antibiotic resistant pathogens. I have had families literally have to abandon their homes due to the illness provoking atmosphere of their house.

#8 Personal care products can contain lead, aluminum, and other heavy metals, fragrances may contain toulene a chemical noted to cause allergy and asthma in susceptible people.

#9 Pesticides in food....please see Is organic really better, in this module for tips on reducing your exposure to pesticides.

#10 Mold exposure due to a moist environment or dripping appliance, or faulty roof can be the source of severe illness.  I did diagnose one child with exposure to Staccybotris, or "black mold", a few years back, which was causing the young boy very serious health problems.

#11 Radon an odorless, radioactive gas gains access to your home via cracks in the foundation, or basement. 

#12 Unfiltered water, contains high amounts of chlorine which is a known risk factor for bladder cancer.  Carbon filters like Brita are effective at removing chlorine.

#13 Wood burning fireplaces can release high amounts of nitrogen dioxide or carbon monoxide, and ventilation and levels of these gases should be checked.

#14 Toys, containing lead and phthalates pose a big risk to children due to their undeveloped immune and neurological systems.

Visit the detoxification aisle of our store for great products and even GREAT prices and FREE shipping right here...


For information about materials and products please visit:, and

Taryn DeCicco, ND, LAc

Apple-A-Day Clinic



PS: a special announcement:  Gardisil, a new vaccine for HPV infection has been associated with some unpleasant side effects including paralysis in some users, I will report more as the news unfolds. Thanks.


Best of Health!


Visit our Natural Product Pharmacy for top prices and FREE SHIPPING on hundreds of natural products from professional brands like: Metagenics, Douglas Laboratories, Pure Encapsulations, Integrative Therapeutics, Thorne Research, and Carlson Labs!


Taryn DeCicco, ND, LAc, LDN



Clinical Nutritionist

Professional Vitamins and Supplements

Chinese Herbs

Natural Skin Products

Arlington Heights, IL


We specialize in Acne, Skin, and Digestive disorders!  Please contact us for a free consultation!  I do work long distance.  Thank you from the bottom of our cart!  We truly appreciate your product purchases, visits, and referrals!  They enable us to give people the help they need and continue our valuable work.

August 7th, 2008 at 12:09 pm

This weeks forum deals with memory loss and Alzheimer's prevention. Due to our aging population, Alzheimer's affects over 5 million Americans. 500,000 of these victims are UNDER age 65.  Some memory loss is a normal consequence of time.  When memory loss is accelerated, frequent, or affects short term memory, however,  it interferes with functioning in daily life.  The good news is that you can improve brain function and reduce your risk of Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia with improvements in diet, supplementation, exercise, (mental & otherwise), and environmental interventions.


According to the most recent research on brain function and supplements, experts agree that the most important intervention, and aggressive prevention is customized nutritional supplementation geared towards the individual's deficiencies, as any nutrient deficiency has a major impact of brain function and aging.  Sophisticated blood analysis is available for several hundred dollars, but a trained nutritional professional who is proficient in blood analysis can spot these from a conventional lab work up....our cost around $150 if you do not have health insurance.  These should be conducted annually.


Dietwise, again most experts agree that keeping cholesterol levels and inflammation in check is very important.  A low-fat, heart healthy diet which emphasizes lots of fruits and vegetables has been demonstrated to reduce risk substantially.  Furthermore, most recent research has shown that fruits such as apples, and grapes contain substances that chelate "hardening" substances from vessels, improving blood flow.


Brain tasking activities mean mental gymnastics and the term "use it or lose it" applies here.  Crossword puzzels, memorization or other stimulating or new activities will keep the mind sharp. It is akin to exercise for the body.


Speaking of exercise, 30 minutes of cardio per day burns excess sugar and fat, and enhances blood flow and hormonal balance all of which helps the brain to function optimally.


Environmental factors include avoiding heavy metal overload from sources like cadmium, mercury, lead, and aluminum.  A simple hair test can reveal one's status, and much more.  Lab cost is $125, and reveals nutritional imbalances as well.  Avoidance of cigarette smoke, mercury in shellfish and tunafish, as well as aluminum in pots and pans or deodorants,  containing aluminum chlorhydrate are important, as is avoiding lead based paints or toys. 

Check out our brain building products right here!


Best of Health!


Visit our Natural Product Pharmacy for great prices and FREE SHIPPING on hundreds of natural products from professional brands like: Metagenics, Douglas Laboratories, Pure Encapsulations, Integrative Therapeutics, Thorne Research, and Carlson Labs!


Taryn DeCicco, ND, LAc, LDN



Clinical Nutritionist

Professional Vitamins and Supplements

Chinese Herbs

Natural Skin Products

Arlington Heights, IL


We specialize in Acne, Skin, and Digestive disorders!  Please contact us for a free consultation!  I do work long distance.  Thank you from the bottom of our cart!  We truly appreciate your product purchases, visits, and referrals!  They enable us to give people the help they need and continue our valuable work.

August 1st, 2008 at 4:53 pm

I have posted a New Issue of Nutrition News in the Newsletter portal today.  In that issue there is a breaking news update on Cellphone safety and natural alternatives to plastic surgery.  Monday evening, I will post the August Calendar and you will receive an email notification regarding some great August activities, bulletins, and promotions..I can hardly wait.  See you next week!


Best of Health!


Visit our Natural Product Pharmacy for top prices and FREE SHIPPING on hundreds of natural products from professional brands like: Metagenics, Douglas Laboratories, Pure Encapsulations, Integrative Therapeutics, Thorne Research, and Carlson Labs!


Taryn DeCicco, ND, LAc, LDN



Clinical Nutritionist

Professional Vitamins and Supplements

Chinese Herbs

Natural Skin Products

Arlington Heights, IL


We specialize in Acne, Skin, and Digestive disorders!  Please contact us for a free consultation!  I do work long distance.  Thank you from the bottom of our cart!  We truly appreciate your product purchases, visits, and referrals!  They enable us to give people the help they need and continue our valuable work.

July 22nd, 2008 at 11:17 pm

Need to improve your diet, ? and who doesn't??....add some of these superfoods to your next shopping excursion for better health! 


#1: Sweet Potatoes:  Absolutely jammed packed with carotenoids, antioxidants and vitamin A & C.  Easily baked or grilled. Mix in some unsweetened apple sauce or pineapple to add moisture and sweetness. Try sweet potatoe chips as a healthier snack.


#2: Grape tomatoes: Sweeter and firmer than other tomatoes, these treats are great as a snack.  They are packed with vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, and potassium.  They are great in flavor too! Kids even love them.


#3: Soymilk: Soy milk can have just as much calcium and vitamins as well as protein, as dairy skim milk,  without the added fat and cholesterol.  One serving of soy foods per day has proven health benefits for breast and prostate health.


#4: Broccoli: Loads of folic acid, vitamin C, and carotenoids. Broccoli and brocco sprouts have important liver detoxification qualities. Broccoli also has high levels of calcium a great choice for those of us avoiding dairy foods. Along with almonds, these vegan choices are good sources of calcium.



#5: Wild Salmon can reduce the risk of sudden death heart attacks like the late Tim Russert experienced. PCB contamination is markedly reduced in the wild variety versus farmed.


#6: Brown Rice: contains tons of B vitamins, magnesium, vitamin E, and copper and zinc. "Enriched" grains are a misnomer in that most nutrients have been removed in processing.  Rice is a grain that contains less allergans than other grains, as well.


#7: Nuts can help weight loss. Except for peanuts, dieters can lose more weight and body fat by adding nuts to their diets. Nuts also can help reduce blood pressure.  Stick to raw unprocessed nuts.  Brazil nuts have been shown to have important anticancer properties.


#8: Sunflower seeds contain phytosterols that can help reduce high cholesterol levels. Sunflower seeds and sunflower oils block cholesterol from being absorbed into the bloodstream according to recent studies.


#9: Superoxide Dismutase is an important antioxidant that can slow the aging process.  One source of this nutrient is in maple syrup but choose only pure maple syrup without high fructose corn syrup.


#10: Green Tea: contains EGCG which amongst other benefits has recently been shown to prevent brain aging! It is protective towards brain health and also lowers the plaque that builds up in ALzheimer's patients.  Avoid those containing sugar and high fructose corn syrup, or all bets are off.



Best of Health!


Visit our Natural Product Pharmacy for top prices and FREE SHIPPING on hundreds of natural products from professional brands like: Metagenics, Douglas Laboratories, Pure Encapsulations, Integrative Therapeutics, Thorne Research, and Carlson Labs!


Taryn DeCicco, ND, LAc, LDN



Clinical Nutritionist

Professional Vitamins and Supplements

Chinese Herbs

Natural Skin Products

Arlington Heights, IL


We specialize in Acne, Skin, and Digestive disorders!  Please contact us for a free consultation!  I do work long distance.  Thank you from the bottom of our cart!  We truly appreciate your product purchases, visits, and referrals!  They enable us to give people the help they need and continue our valuable work.

July 15th, 2008 at 10:38 pm

First, an announcement OR Two: Don't Miss out on FREE nutrition consults for your PETs THIS  Friday: 7/18/ 08,  AM from 9:30-12:00 Noon. This will kick off this summers "Freebie Fridays" series where once a month I will offer free consultations to a specific segment of your families. I hope you can join us! I have samples of the Honese Kitchen organic,  grain free pet foods available for attendees.  Second, I truly appreciate all the great comments about my musical work, and YES... I promise, I will get a schedule up within two months.   I have been out playing but either in Chicago, Evanston or even further away, so I will let you know when I'm closer to "home".


Okay, now to the "drug problem".  The popular press, beginning with a story last month in Men's Health has recently identified 8 drugs doctors would never take based on their very risky information in the PDR. they are still widely prescribed, however.  I will cover them here along with my natural medicine recommendations in place of the drug's indications.


#1: Advair, an asthma medication has been linked to over 5,000 instances of sudden death.  Short-term corticosteroid therapy is risky but not as risky as this drug.  In my opinion, asthma is a manifestation of uncontrolled allergies.  I have had many patients successfully treated by identifying and resolving their allergies and this has led to an elimination in asthma symptoms and therefore meds.  To me the only responsible way to treat asthma is to establish the root cause. Once this is resolved, asthma ceases to be a problem.  Please see NEXT month's testimonials for some cases.


#2: Avandia, a drug used to treat Type II diabetes. As if Type II diabetes wasn't enough of a health issue, this drug brings on heart attacks, in over 42% of users.  The FDA has asked Glaxo-Smith-Kline for long term studies but they haven't even begun yet!  Natural Medicine for Type II diabetes involves individualized diet, exercise and supplementation designed to resolve the cause which is acquired insulin resistance in the patient. In my opinion, no motivated person ever needs to take diabetic medication long-term. This illness is CURABLE, even in those with strong genetics!


#3: Ketek, an antibiotic prescribed for respiratory infections carries a huge risk for liver damage. In February, the FDA limited its use to pneumonia but it is still precribed.  Natural Medicine Strategy: bolster your immune system by avoiding sugar, getting a grip on allergies, getting sufficient sleep and learning how to manage stress.  Smoking, or past history of smoking, must be resolved. If this is an area of constitutional or genetic weakness, Chinese medicine is brilliant at strengthening this area.  Flu shots may be a viable option for older people whose immune systems are not up to par.


#4: CeleBrex, still available even though all its other cohorts have been pulled off the market. CeleBrex has been proven to cause liver and kidney damage and stomach bleeding. Heart attack is now considered even a bigger risk.  Natural Medicine: Acupucture has been PROVEN to be more effective than arthritis medications even in combination with physical therapy and exercise.  I have seen nothing short of miracles with this treatment...with no pain or risks! 


#5,6: Prilosec and Nexium, the FDA is now investigating a link between these drugs and heart disease.  Decreasing stomach acid may also increase your risk of pneumonia and osteoporosis since calcium absorption is significantly decreased, risk of fractures are exponentially higher in people taking these drugs especially long-term.

My opinion, find out what your digestive symptoms really mean.  While our society accepts a significant amount of digestive distress as "normal", often these symptoms are just the tip of the iceberg and may signify some real dysfunction long-term.  Visit my candida/dysbiosis page for more information on what these symptoms relly mean.  Naturopathic medicine holds digestion as the cornerstone of human health, and takes proper digestive function very seriously, due to its relevance to long-term health.


#7: Visine, I think most people are aware that constant use of these drops can cause rebound redness and broken blood vessels. Still, what is the reason for using them.  Dry eyes? Consider Chinese medicine which is brilliant at addressing various organ problems related to eye dryness. Environmental factors such as: overuse of computers, bad glasses or contacts are other factors. Flower essences such as: Yarrow Environmental Solution can really give relief. Eye exercises and frequent breaks are also important and must be balanced.


#8: Pseudoephedrine, decongestants not only constrict blood vessels in the nose but also in the sinuses, it also raises the heart rate and blood pressure. Over years, it can lead to heart attack and stroke, also: it worsens prostate disease and glaucoma.  What does chronic sinus problems signify?  In natural medicine,  often food allergies are responsible, or an imbalance in the intestinal ecology revisit the CandidaRx page for futher information.  Enviornmental Allergies are often culprits and can be dealt with easily.  Also a Neti Pot is a real help for chronic sinus inflammation, especially in combination with establishing its cause.


Please consider investigation of symptoms rather than just obliterating them  Symptoms are the way the body tries to get your attention.  About time our culture started listening.  Thanks!


 Taryn DeCicco, ND, LAc



Best of Health!


Visit our Natural Product Pharmacy for great prices and FREE SHIPPING on hundreds of natural products from professional brands like: Metagenics, Douglas Laboratories, Pure Encapsulations, Integrative Therapeutics, Thorne Research, and Carlson Labs!


Taryn DeCicco, ND, LAc, LDN



Clinical Nutritionist

Professional Vitamins and Supplements

Chinese Herbs

Natural Skin Products

Arlington Heights, IL


We specialize in Acne, Skin, and Digestive disorders!  Please contact us for a free consultation!  I do work long distance.  Thank you from the bottom of our cart!  We truly appreciate your product purchases, visits, and referrals!  They enable us to give people the help they need and continue our valuable work.

July 8th, 2008 at 10:52 pm

The most comprehensive study to ever correlate diet and wrinkles was done by Monash University in Melbourne, Australia and published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2001.  Researchers there studied 453 people over age 70 and analyzed their diets and wrinkles to determine a correlation. 


The overall conclusion was that a low-glycemic diet high in varied fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes and fish was associated with less skin wrinkling.


The foods associated with less wrinkling:


Total fats

monounsaturated fats IE olive oil, canola oil, avocados, nuts, and seeds

fish, especially fatty fish such as sardines and salmon

naturally low fat dairy products such as yogurt


nuts and legumes such as broad beans

vegetables such as: leafy greens, eggplant, asparagus, celery, onions, and garlic

whole grain cereals

fruits: especially: prunes, cherries, apples and jams



foods high in zinc such as shellfish and lean meats.


The foods associated with more wrinkles are:


Saturated fats in meats

processed meats

ice cream

foods high in sugars

cakes, pastries and desserts

processed potatoes and french fries





These results have been consistent with other studies on the subject.

Diet and skin health has been correlated with high antioxidant intake and less intakes or high sugar and processed foods.  High sugar intake and intake of transfatty acids found in fast food, and commercial baked goods accelerate the aging process in the entire body, not just the skin. Visit our beautiful skin aisle for my excellent and unique natural skin products!


Best of Health!


Visit our Natural Product Pharmacy for great prices and FREE SHIPPING on hundreds of natural products from professional brands like: Metagenics, Douglas Laboratories, Pure Encapsulations, Integrative Therapeutics, Thorne Research, and Carlson Labs!


Taryn DeCicco, ND, LAc, LDN



Clinical Nutritionist

Professional Vitamins and Supplements

Chinese Herbs

Natural Skin Products

Arlington Heights, IL


We specialize in Acne, Skin, and Digestive disorders!  Please contact us for a free consultation!  I do work long distance.  Thank you from the bottom of our cart!  We truly appreciate your product purchases, visits, and referrals!  They enable us to give people the help they need and continue our valuable work.
