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                      How Sweet it... Isn't  

Are any sugar replacers safe?  How bad is sugar exactly?  Seems like Valentine's month is a good time to

probe that subject.  At the heart of the matter is Splenda, the leader in calorie-free sweeteners.  Its seemingly overnight success has made Splenda the number one branded artificial sweetener in the country.  It was actually under development when I was still a graduate student, in 1996.  Splenda can be found in over 3,500 products and over 80 countries.  Despite its widestream popularity, some controversy has arisen.  What is Splenda exactly, and is it safe?


 In the eye of the controversy is Johnson & Johnson...with one of the most successful marketing campaigns..EVER.  "Tastes like sugar because it's made from sugar".....HMMM.....let's see.


A quick visit to Johnson & Johnson's website is all it takes to recognize that Splenda is NOT natural and certainly no longer SUGAR.


Splenda is a synthesized CHEMICAL.  Starting with a molecule of sugar, with three hydroxyl groups, which are atoms composed of hydrogen and oxygen, the three hydroxl groups are removed and replaced with.....Okay now are you ready for this???????????  CHLORINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This chlorination process is what makes Splenda undigestible, by the time this chemical sleight of hand has been carried out Splenda is a Chlorocarbon..Many well known chlorocarbons exist, and I do not think for a moment that one has any place in the human diet, as they are extremely toxic.  Some infamous chlorocarbons are: DDT and Lindane. 


What about research?  Not ONE single long-term research study has ever been conducted on Splenda, other than the one that is being conducted on the public right now.  In the following chart, I have listed some natural sweeteners for your consideration.  Please recognize though that even all-natural sweeteners will wreck havoc on your body if not used in moderation.   As far as I am concerned, I would like to see all artificial sweetners, as well as high fructose corn syrup banned from use on this planet.



                     Natural Sugar Replacers

Agave Nectar Versatile, 75% sweeter than sugar, digests slowly
Barley Malt Powder Contains some nutrients, good in baked goods
Brown Rice Syrup Contains nutrients, 50% less sweet than sugar.
Date Sugar Can be used as a brown sugar replacement
Honey Contains nutrients, antioxidants, and enzymes
Stevia Herbal sugar replacement, use sparingly, VERY sweet
Sugarcane Less sweet than sugar
Xylitol Naturally produced sugar alcohol 40%less calories than sugar, inhibits oral bacteria

 All Replacers are: 20-25 KCALS per teaspoon.   COPYRIGHT 2008, Dr. Taryn DeCicco, All Rights Reserved.