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Why I Don't buy Gluten Free Products and maybe you shouldn't either!
January 29th, 2014 at 5:02 pm

  I am a Naturopath, Clinical Nutritionist and Licensed Acupuncturist and Herbalist.  I have personally been gluten free for probably a decade...dairy free too, I might add.  Despite this, I am not an advocate for the vast majority of gluten free products out there.  I am also not of the belief that going gluten free is any type of health panacea but I won't cover that today.


Here's why I don't like these products:


#1 Processing

Most Gluten Free products are highly processed.  I only advocate products in as close to a natural state as possible.


#2 Sugar Content

Gluten Free products are almost all alarmingly high in sugars.  Most of these are concealed as evaporated cane juice, pear syrup etc. but make no mistake they are VERY high in sugars.  If you do not know the various substances masquerading as natural but that are in fact sugars read my article How Sweet it Isn't and you will have a better idea of what to look for.


#3 Fiber Content

Most, the very vast majority of Gluten Free products,  are not made from whole grains but from refined white flours of various kinds.  Since dietary fiber is necessary for gut health, and to proliferate healthy gut bacteria and colon cancer is the #2 cause of cancer deaths in the US, this is alarming to me.


#4 Non Fortification


In a perfect world, foods would not be adulterated, but the truth is that for a very long time in the US,  wheat has been fortified with vitamins.  Fortified breads, cereals, and baked goods are the major source of B vitamins for US Citizens.  Unfortified products then could become a huge public health concern especially with regard to things like heart disease and homocysteine levels and for pregnant women who need ample folic acid to prevent some known birth defects.


I am not a gluten advocate by any stretch but I know most people have NO IDEA what doing gluten free really entails.  Most of you are just jumping on a silly bandwagon.


If you are determined to do so properly, I applaud you but please understand that it is a tremendous commitment to do correctly.  This means alot of time spent researching, shopping, and in food preparation and cooking.


A couple tips I will give you are: create your own gluten free flour, bake your own baked goods, use xantham gum as a gluten subsitute in pasta and bread recipes, but cut WAY down on grain consumption.


Get your nutrients from non grain sources like non GMO whole raw foods.

Vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, beans, tofu, lean proteins like fish, and good fats like coconut and avocado.


Then you will improve your health by going gluten free, and isn't that the IDEA?  Or is it just another Lemming craze that will just make you sicker?

Also are you truly allergic to gluten or wheat...Test to find out!!!!


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Taryn DeCicco, ND, LAc, LDN



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January 29th, 2014 at 7:04 pm