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Problems with the Skin? Try looking WITHIN.
July 30th, 2013 at 10:24 pm

  Before Getting to this week's important topic, I have several VERY exciting announcements to make.  Apple-A-Day just won it's SECOND annual Best of Arlington Heights award for MEDICAL, and it's SECOND CONSECUTIVE  Talk of the Town Award.  Additionally,  I have been asked to be an editor for Bio Info Journals. More about these great things later.  Above is the Logo I have designed for my naturopathic skincare products which have arrived TODAY.  If you can wait just a bit longer my line will be in my store. We are waiting on the final label proofs, then photography and in our Beautiful Skin Boutique right here!


As a Naturopath and Acupuncturist I have learned that problems with the skin almost always come from within.When I studied in China the top hospital physicians were always dismayed when skin patients arrived because skin troubles are so difficult to treat. I have learned that this is because the body is so intelligent it is tenacious in keeping illness at a superficial level as long as it can.  Chinese Medicine Practitioners look to the face to see if any organs and systems are in disharmony, as this will show up as blemishes, wrinkles,  rashes and other minor problems. Healthy skin begins first with great nutrition and then with the  healthy circulation of blood. Here is what Chinese medicine says about the world's most common skin difficulties.

  • Occasional blemishes: Eating a fair amount of fatty and sweet foods can cause blemishes. Problematic foods reduce the energy in your digestive system, leading to inflammation, acid build-up and stagnation or weak circulation.
  •  Along with blemishes, you might have difficulty concentrating and sluggish digestion.
  • The answer is to cut down on sweets and fatty foods. In half is best. Certain herbs could help clear up blemishes and small rashes by cleansing the skin and blood at the same time. They include burdock root, yellow dock, dandelion and dried honeysuckle. Chinese remedies are often cooling and detoxifying at the skin level.
  • Rashes, Hives: Rashes and itchy skin caused by allergies could be treated with couple of herbal approaches. One good approach is to drink tea made with a handful of honeysuckle flowers and  of dandelion as well. These are detoxifiers, as are two lesser-known Chinese remedies. If you have chronic rashes or hives, try taking four pills of Yinchiao Chieh Tu Pien or Lien Chiao
    Pai Tu Pien. The latter is a good skin cleanser that could treat itchy, reddened skin.
  • Wrinkles: You could restore smooth skin, as wrinkles set in when your blood or qi(energy)  is weakened. First you need to eat nutritiously. Second, try any of the following teas, believed to make your skin more brilliant and toned: chicory root, burdock root, red clover flowers, Pau d'arco elderberries, rose hips, nettle, coltsfoot, and comfrey. These can all be beneficial.. To send nutrients straight to your skin, add a few pinches of powdered pearl.
  • Aging Skin: Many items can cleanse and rejuvenate your skin because of the ingredients they contain. These are all excellent herbal tonics, according to Chinese medicine: nettle, alfalfa, red clover, comfrey, and gotu kola. I have incorporated all of these into my skincare line, depending upon what is needed to be accomplished.. 
In Naturopathic Medicine, problems with skin are almost always related to digestion in some way.  Food allergies when chronic and undiagnosed can lead to eczema and psoriasis, as can undiagnosed bacterial or yeast problems, toenail fungus is another form. Alopecia, or hair loss is but another form. Since the skin is the first barrier in the immune system it is also the first thing to break down when something is amiss. We have terrific professional products for hair loss and hair health.


Proper Testing and assessment as well as skilled correction will make huge improvements in the skin over time.  There are also helpful nutrients and topicals for more pedestrian problems.
This is a quick overview of a highly complex topic.  Please feel free to contact us for more information. Visit our Natural Pharmacy for exceptional products, at GREAT Prices and FREE shipping!
I have been working day and night to make our all about health store a seamless shopping experience for all.  Let me know what you think.  Thank you!  
Next week's Nutrition and Health BLOG Forum:  Dead Honeybees don't Lie. This is an article you do NOT want to skip.


Best of Health!


Visit our Natural Product Pharmacy for top prices and FREE SHIPPING on hundreds of natural products from professional brands like: Metagenics, Douglas Laboratories, Pure Encapsulations, Integrative Therapeutics, Thorne Research, and Carlson Labs!


Taryn DeCicco, ND, LAc, LDN



Clinical Nutritionist

Professional Vitamins and Supplements

Chinese Herbs

Natural Skin Products

Arlington Heights, IL


We specialize in Acne, Skin, and Digestive disorders!  Please contact us for a free consultation!  I do work long distance.  Thank you from the bottom of our cart!  We truly appreciate your product purchases, visits, and referrals!  They enable us to give people the help they need and continue our valuable work.