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How to Get and STAY REALLY SICK! and not in the good way!
October 2nd, 2012 at 10:59 pm

It's been a technically challenging day to welcome in October and I hope you will check out all the great forums and events we have planned...even a Natural BOOK SALE!  I appreciate your ordering refills online. Check your emails soon for a treat not a trick for this month only. 


Also earn $25.00 towards your next visit by giving us a review on google find the link on top of the events page right here...there is a beautiful new meditation room and more. One more heads up...we are getting much busier and already I've turned a few of you away and I expect it to get much more so so make your appointments NOW!


Apple-A-Day Clinic has won the Talk of the Town Award for 2012 for Medical & Acupuncture in Arlington Heights.  This award is the second we've won in a month and is given to less than 5% of businesses.  I will publish more about it this week. No, I do NOT solicit these honors.


Our first Forum in October is:  How to Get and stay sick, and here is the scenario: While I do not concur with this...if you want to get and remain sick here's the way to do so....



 Don't Wash Your Hands
Don't bother washing your hands - especially before you eat. Germs are everywhere and our hands touch so many things in our environments that there are bound to be some viruses there at some point. If you don't wash your hands, you have a much higher likelihood of getting some of those germs into your body and getting sick.
While you're at it, skip the hand sanitizer as well. Since hand sanitizer kills the germs on your hands, using it will cut this risk factor. 
 Encourage Your Sick Friends to Visit, better yet hang out at schools, nursing homes, hospitals and other institutions bursting with pathogens....
Spending lots of time with people who are sick will increase your chances of getting sick yourself. Close contact like shaking hands and hugging or kissing will allow the germs to spread even more easily. So invite those friends and family members over when they are sick or go visit them. If you want to catch whatever they have, visit frequently and don't worry about washing your hands or turning away when they cough and sneeze.  Many of you have noticed I have stopped hugging and kissing y'all....not worth it...sorry.....
 Schedule a Few Meetings with Sick Coworkers
We all know far too many people come to work when they are sick and having them in the office only increases the chances that everyone else will get sick, too. If you know a coworker is sick and has come to work anyway, scheduling a few extra meetings with them or just stopping by their desk a few times will help you pick up some of those germs.  It's even better if they are actively coughing and sneezing....
 Eat Lots of Junk Food Especially sugar!
Although an unhealthy diet won't guarantee that you will get the flu, it definitely makes your body more susceptible to getting sick. A diet that consists primarily of healthy foods that contains a lot of antioxidants has been shown to keep people healthier. Eating an unhealthy diet makes your body more susceptible to catching germs and getting sick and you will probably have a harder time fighting off those infections when you get them. So if you want to get the flu, load up on the junk food.
Ignore the Need to Sleep...getting inadequate rest will disable your immune system by 75% or even more...
 Be a Couch Potato
Similar to eating an unhealthy diet, avoiding exercise at all costs will also weaken your immune system, making it more likely that you will get sick from the flu and any number of other illnesses. Watching lots of TV and not exercising won't give you the flu of course, but an unhealthy body is less able to fight off infections, so if you are exposed to the influenza virus, you will be more likely to come down with the flu.
Conversely....When you are SICK DO NOT EXERCISE, unless you want to stay sick a very long time!!!!  I see folks everyday at the gym who are sick and getting sicker and getting everyone around them sick....Take at least 3-5 days off if you are ill.
Be a Drama King or Queen....emotional theatrics and drama wear out your body leaving it open to illness....Depression literally drops all the body's energy including immunity so pick your battles better yet don't have any.  If you have emotional issues contact me for solutions...
Avoid Natural Medicine and supplements...everyone knows it's just bunk right?  A waste of money...frankly just the opposite...people who see naturopaths, and acupuncturists and take supplements are far more likely to avoid colds and flus and experience milder cases of them!  That also goes for much more serious health problems.
If you need assistance building up your immune system or have an underlying chronic illness like thyroid disease or diabetes etc schedule an appointment SOON so we can keep you very healthy this season.
I am going to begin sharing some case studies with you.  The first will be a client with HPV and her road to health.  To help build up your immune system visit our Natural Pharmacy Immune Health and Other Aisles where you get great products at LOW prices and FREE shipping.
Blessings and have a great week...See you Soon!

Best of Health!


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Taryn DeCicco, ND, LAc, LDN



Clinical Nutritionist

Professional Vitamins and Supplements

Chinese Herbs

Natural Skin Products

Arlington Heights, IL


We specialize in Acne, Skin, and Digestive disorders!  Please contact us for a free consultation!  I do work long distance.  Thank you from the bottom of our cart!  We truly appreciate your product purchases, visits, and referrals!  They enable us to give people the help they need and continue our valuable work.