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How an "attitude of gratitude" bestows health blessings!
December 4th, 2013 at 6:58 pm

How an attitude of gratitude brings major health benefits?

An attitude of gratitude can foster major health benefits according to recent psychological research from Northeastern University and University of California, Riverside.  By focusing on positivity, researchers have discovered that participants experience better sleep, better moods overall with significantly less anxiety and depression, greater happiness and long term life satisfaction, and kinder behavior towards others even family members!

These studies have also shown that feeling grateful results in less aggressive behavior towards others even when provoked and a “Pay it Forward” towards others which has far reaching positive ripple effects.

I would sum all the research up as stress reduction!  Decreased anger, stress, hostility, lowered cortisol levels translates into better health, and less “angry liver syndrome” which can be so prevalent at the holidays.

How to turn on the gratitude in your life?  A few simple habits  help!   Each day start and end the day with 5 things you are grateful for.  When around strangers, difficult clients or family members make a point of noticing and commenting upon something positive about them.

Perform random acts of kindness. Self esteem rises when people feel good about themselves and their behavior.


What if you are just not feeling it ?? Read Dale Carnegie's: How to Win friends and Influence People, or watch It's a Wonderful Life.  Either should help get you in the spirit.


You will also enjoy my article; How negativity affects your health right here:


Mood a problem? We have many helpful natural products to help!


Holiday cheers to all of you.  We appreciate each and every one of you.  Thank you from the bottom of our cart!


I am truly sorry we have fallen behind but it won't happen again!


Seasons Greetings 


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