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Common Hair Problems and their Solutions!
March 27th, 2013 at 7:06 pm

Gray Hair

Some people consider gray hair as something that makes them looked distinguished; for others, it's a reminder that they're getting older.Scientists have put a lot of effort into investigating the cause of gray hair, and they believe they've gotten to the root of the problem. Hair gets its color from a pigment called melanin, which is produced by melanocyte cells in the hair follicles. Researchers have discovered that melanocytes endure cumulative damage over the years, which eventually leaves them unable to produce melanin. Studies have cited DNA damage and a buildup of hydrogen peroxide in the follicles as possible causes of this disruption in melanin production. Without melanin, the new hair that grows in has no pigment, which makes it appear gray, white, or silver.

Some people start to go gray young -- as early as their teens. When graying begins usually is determined by genes, so if your mother or father became gray early, you may too. He shou wu  one of several chinese herbs can be helpful in restoring color to grayed hair.

Hair Loss

Normally, hair goes through a regular growth cycle. During the anagen phase, which lasts three to four years, the hair grows. During the telogen phase, which lasts about three months, the hair rests. At the end of the telogen phase, the hair falls out and is replaced by new hair.

The average person loses about 100 hairs each day. Hair loss also can have other causes, including drugs or disease.

As they age, men tend to lose the hair on top of their head, which eventually leaves a horseshoe-shaped ring of hair around the sides. This type of hair loss is called male-pattern baldness. It's caused by genes (from both parents -- the idea that men take after their mother's father is a myth) and it's fueled by the male hormone, testosterone. In female-pattern baldness, the hair loss is different -- it thins throughout the top of the scalp, leaving the hair in front intact.

A number of disorders can cause the hair to fall out. People who have an autoimmune condition called alopecia areata lose hair on their scalp, as well as on other parts of their body. Other health conditions that can cause excess hair loss include:

  • Medications such as antidepressants, retinoids, NSAIDs, blood thinners, birth control and other hormonal treatments, high blood pressure pills medications, chemotherapy, and radiation.
  • Severe infections
  • Major surgery
  • Overactive or underactive thyroid
  • Other hormonal problems
  • Severe stress
  • Autoimmune diseases, such as lupus
  • Fungal and yeast infections of the scalp
  • Pregnancy and childbirth
  • Nutritional deficiencies
  • Compulsive hair pulling called trichotillomania

Hair lost to male-pattern and female-pattern baldness won't grow back on its own, but acupuncture and herbs can be extremely helpful. See my article about stopping hair loss in its tracks for more information.

Hair Damage

Blow-drying, straightening, highlighting, and perming regularly can wreak havoc on hair, leaving it brittle, broken, and unmanageable. Split ends and dry hair are just two casualties of over zealous styling. 

Excessive styling and heat can cause split ends, which occur when the protective outermost layer of hair (the cuticle) is damaged and peels back. Some treatments for split ends include:

  • Brush gently with a soft, flexible hairbrush; don't overbrush.
  • Avoid towel-drying. If you do dry your hair with a towel, rub it gently.
  • Use a conditioner, and leave on a deep conditioner about once a week.


Hair needs moisture and a certain amount of oil to keep it looking healthy. A number of things can dry out hair, including:

  • Washing it too often
  • Using a harsh shampoo
  • Excessive blow-drying or use of a curling iron or straightening iron
  • Exposure to sun, wind, and dry air
  • Perms and dyes
  • Nutritional Deficiencies 
  • Medications
  • Chronic inflammation

 To keep the moisture in your hair, try these tips:

  • Don't wash your hair every day unless you have a scalp condition such as dandruff which needs daily shampooing for control. When you do wash your hair, use a gentle shampoo that's designed to infuse moisture into dry hair. Also, use a conditioner daily.
  • Limit blow-drying and use of hot irons, hot rollers, or curling irons.
  • Increase the time between hair treatments, such as dyes and perms.
  • Wear a hat on cold, windy days and put on a bathing cap when swimming.


Greasy Hair

The scalp contains a natural oil called sebum, which helps keep the skin, scalp and hair lubricated. Sebum is produced by the sebaceous glands. Sometimes these glands work overtime and produce too much oil, leading to a greasy scalp. Chronic inflammation and seborrheic dermatitis also can cause hair to appear greasy. Greasy hair can look dull, limp, and lifeless, and it may be more difficult to manage. To treat greasy hair, try washing with a gentle shampoo that is specially formulated to control sebum. 

For help with your hair problems contact me anytime at 847-577-4455.  We offer a FREE consultation anytime.  Thank you for your referrals, product purchases, and visits.


We have wonderful products for both healthy hair, hair regrowth, skin regeneration.




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