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??Can Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine help with allergies??
May 19th, 2010 at 3:11 pm

When spring and summer hits many folks experience trouble with airbourne pollen from trees and weeds and grass, as well as dust, mold spores and animal dander as ongoing allergies.


TCM believes that addressing the root causes of illness by treating the whole person and balancing the immune system will lead to substantial long-term health benefits, including better health with less suffering from allergy symptoms.


Hayfever or allergic rhinitis results from an imbalanced immune system.  An overzealous immune system releases IgE anitbodies in response to an environmental trigger such as tree pollen.  These antibodies then attach to white blood cells known as mast cells. As these cells become stimulated they release histamine and other chemicals.


One theory of allergy which I ascribe to is the total load theory which postulates that exposure to one allergen is not sufficent to trigger a response for most people but triggers of several may result in an allergic response.


Medical treatment of allergens typically result in inhibiting an allergic response, including antihistamines, decongestants, and steroids or nervous system inhibitos such as epinephrine. Other treatments are desentization where small amounts of allergens are injected to gradually neutralize antibodies.


Side effects such as fatigue, immune problems, and overreliance on meds  may cause some people to seek out alternatives.


Chinese medicine views allergies as related to wind, which usually coincides with a deficiency of wei or protective qi.  People who are deficient in wei qi catch colds easily and they may progress rapidly to respiratory infections.


The practioner if they are like me will also look for constitutional or more deeply rooted problems in the person.  Often the person has chronic deficiencies in the lung, spleen or kidney meridiens which can be strengthened with acupuncture and herbs.  Typical interventions may include some dietary modification, special herbal formulations, and acupuncture.


I recently did a comprehensive program for several patients which involved some immediate acute care, to alleviate symptoms and then began strengthening their constitutions.  This allergy season they have fared much better, and have not needed any western drugs although the allergen counts are much higher.


Should you or someone you know need help with allergies I welcome new patient appointments. For products please visit our store aisle right here!


Thank you, your visits, product purchases and patient referrals are warmly appreciated!!!



Taryn DeCicco, ND, LAc, LDN




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Taryn DeCicco, ND, LAc, LDN



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