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Best of Arlington Hts Award & The 4 Pillars of healing
August 14th, 2012 at 5:44 pm




    We JUST received the BEST of Nutritionists AWARD! I will publish press release this week, in a separate article.  We are very thrilled at the recognition of our quality and service.  More about this to come...





                                                 4 Pillars of Healing


This weeks topic is:

Taryn DeCicco, ND, LAc  Naturopathy, Clinical Nutrition and Acupuncture, Herbs, Apple-A-Day Clinic

The Four Pillars of Healing address all areas of Health. The Pillars of Healing were formulated and eloquently discussed by Dr. Leo Galland, an internist practicing integrated medicine in New York City. His book called “Power Healing” should be read. The Four Pillars of Healing are:
1. Relationships – The first pillar deals with the person's interaction with others: family, in the workplace, in groups, spiritual and religious beliefs.
2. Diet and Lifestyle – This pillar deals with maintaining a healthy diet and regular exercise and recommends the following:
  • Intake of a nutrient dense, properly balanced mixture of macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins and fats)
  • Intake of a variety of colourful fruits and vegetables that are rich in antioxidants
  • Intake of nutritional supplements designed to give optimal amounts of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants and appropriate essential fatty acids as well as other nutrients to support memory and energy
  • Regular exercise with a balanced emphasis on aerobic fitness, strength and flexibility
3. The Environment – Included in this pillar are the many factors to which a person can be exposed:
·         Allergic and reactive foods
·         Infections: bacterial, viral, fungal
·         Toxic metals: lead, mercury, cadmium, aluminum, tin, arsenic etc.
·         Toxic foods: such as sugar, refined carbohydrates, hydrogenated fats, too much saturated fat, food additives and colouring agents
·         Xenobiotics: such as petrochemicals, pesticides, herbicides
·         Fumes from perfumes and molds
·         Exposure to pollen, dust mites, molds, animal dander (from the air, carpets, bedding, basements, old musty books etc, etc.)
·         Exposure to gastrointestinal toxins generated by the gut flora from alcohol, ammonia, amines, bacterial cell wall debris and other gut metabolic products
4. Detoxification – Enhancing and optimizing the body's ability to manage increased body burden of toxic metals and xenobiotics, as mentioned above, is important. Detoxification could involve a variety of methods that include:
·         Liver detoxification (enzyme driven)
·         Gastrointestinal “cleansing”
·         Sauna treatment for Xenobiotic detoxification
·         Chelation therapy for heavy metal body burden and removal of excessive calcium from atherosclerotic plaque
Attention to all these areas will result in a much healthier you. Please contact us for help with allergy testing and management, balancing of microflora in the gastrointestinal tract, toxic chemical testing and assessment and your individual program to address the above!  Or even faster, visit our Store for information of testing/assessment and GI health!


Best of Health!


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Taryn DeCicco, ND, LAc, LDN



Clinical Nutritionist

Professional Vitamins and Supplements

Chinese Herbs

Natural Skin Products

Arlington Heights, IL


We specialize in Acne, Skin, and Digestive disorders!  Please contact us for a free consultation!  I do work long distance.  Thank you from the bottom of our cart!  We truly appreciate your product purchases, visits, and referrals!  They enable us to give people the help they need and continue our valuable work.