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A GREAT night's sleep , Naturally!
February 26th, 2013 at 6:54 pm

FINALLY! A good Night's Sleep, Naturopathically!


"Rest Assured” , by following these 7 tips to falling asleep and having a positive bedtime routine, you can start to enjoy restful, quality sleep. Developing a consistent bedtime routine, creating a better sleep environment, managing stress and anxiety, following a sleep schedule, and taking better care of your body all set the stage for getting quality rest every night. Some of these tips may seem obvious but if you are having trouble falling asleep it is important that you implement them all at least for a few weeks to get back in the “habit of falling asleep”.

  1. Relaxing and regular routine.   Go to bed before 10pm each night and get up at the same time each morning. Cutting out day time naps will help set your circadian rhythm (Body's Natural Sleep Pattern). This important bedtime routine will lead to improved sleep habits.
  2. Reduce or eliminate caffeine and stimulants such as alcohol. Caffeine in particular causes sleeping problems and it may be necessary to eliminate it completely for a few weeks or at least not have any after midday. Alcohol leads to poor quality sleep by affecting the brain wave patterns which leads you to waking up feeling tired.
  3. Address stress and anxiety to avoiding tossing and turning in the night. Getting involved Tai Chi, meditation and yoga or having regular acupuncture treatments can all help reduce stress so give them a try.
  4. Some people can be very sensitive to electromagnetic frequencies so avoid electrical equipment such as T.V's, computers and avoid having the bed right next to your power points.  I recommend avoiding them at least 1 hour before you want to actually be asleep.
  5. Regular exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle, and if you exercise regularly your sleep will reap the benefits. However, exercising should be limited to no later than 3 hours before your normal bedtime as the endorphins and chemicals coursing through your body, plus the elevated brain activity, could also keep you awake into the wee hours.
  6. Have a meal at least 3 hours before going to bed, and not any closer to bedtime, in a relaxed environment to allow your food to digest and avoiding reflux so you will be more relaxed at bedtime.
  7. If you have tried all of the above tips and you still have difficulty sleep I can recommend some specific supplements for you with guaranteed results for a better night's sleep.
  8. We have dozens of tried and true sleep helpers in our natural pharmacy.


Best of Health and Best of ZZZZZ's



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Arlington Heights, IL


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