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10 Tips for better sleep
February 19th, 2009 at 11:53 am

Sleep is one of the most restorative and rejuvenative events the human body experiences. Difficulty sleeping is known to increase stress, cause illness, and cause emotional problems. Try the next 10 tips before resorting to drugs or other treatments.


1. Maintain your circadium cycle by trying to go to bed and wake up around the same time...within one hour even on weekends.  This reinforces that cycle and makes it much easier to get and stay asleep.


2. Do not eat or drink large amounts within two hours of bedtime.   Eating large amounts may contribute to symptoms such as heartburn. Drinking large quantities of fluid may cause you to wake up throughout the night for bathroom trips.


3. Avoid nicotine, caffeine and alcohol in the evening.  All are stimulants that can keep you awake.  Alcohol may disrupt sleep later on.  Caffeine takes hours to excrete and should be avoided at least 8 hours before bed.


4. Exercise:  Exercise particularly cardio will help one fall asleep faster and have deeper sleep.  Exercise less than three hours before bed can keep you awake, though.


5. Create ideal sleeping conditions.  The ideal place for sleeping is comfortable, uncluttered, cool and dark.  If you need to adjust this do it...your body will thank you.


6. Eliminate napping.  In my opinion, nothing throws the body's sleep cycle off worse than napping.  Keep to your sleep schedule and try to sleep only in the night time hours.


7. Find a comfortable mattress and pillow, and limit access of children and pets to your bed as they are often disruptive to sleeping.


8. Begin a relaxing nighttime ritual such as reading or listening to relaxing music to ease the transtion to sleepiness.


9. Go to bed immediately when you are tired.  Many people try to eat or engage in other behaviors when they in fact need sleep. Heed the call.


10. Avoid self medicating with drugs supplements or alcohol.  Natural measures are often best in balancing this cycle and returning the body's internal balance.


Taryn DeCicco ND,



*** This advice is not intended to diagnose nor treat any illness****


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Taryn DeCicco, ND, LAc, LDN



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