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10 Signs you have Candida Overgrowth!
January 14th, 2015 at 6:43 pm

Photo: Carpenter of Fitness


We all have bacteria, both good and bad, inside and all around us. In fact, we have about 100 trillion bacteria in our gut and around our body! A key to OPTIMAL health is striking the perfect balance between good and bad bacteria, but when the bad bacteria get out of hand, it can cause health issues and unwanted weight gain.


Here are some telltale signs that you may be experiencing a bacterial or yeast overgrowth.


1. You feel extremely tired or lethargic all the time.

Many of my clients are initially sleeping over 10 hours a night and still do not get out of bed feeling refreshed in the morning. The lethargy continued throughout the day and they just do not understand why they are so tired all the time.


2. Brain fog, poor memory or lack of focus.

Many of my clients find it quite difficult to focus and concentrate on the tasks at hand, no matter what it might be. Their overall thinking may be foggy and impaired, they may have very poor memory of even recent events.


3. Mood swings, anger, anxiety, or depression.

Many of my clients experience erratic mood shifts. Studies now demonstrate that the gut is akin to a second brain, so it's condition will definitely affect your mood and emotions.


4. Strong cravings for high carb and/or sugary foods.

Bacterial or yeast overgrowth often leads to a condition called "leaky gut" wherein the gut lining has thinned. This means your food isn't absorbed as nutrients and instead becomes toxins in your bloodstream. See #7

With so few nutrients being absorbed, many clients are chronically hungry often craving sugary or starchy or yeasty foods like bread. These foods feed the underlying infection, making the situation worse and worse but it is really hard to stop the behaviors because of the strong cravings involved.


5. Skin and fungal infections. 

When the overgrowths get really out of balance the entire immune system becomes compromised and the skin itself becomes "leaky" leading to chronic skin infections like: Acne, Eczema, Psoriasis, Rosacea, rashes, dermatitis and many others.


6. Food Sensitivities

Not allergies, sensitivities occur due to the combination of an immune system that is not working properly and the leaky gut factor which releases undigested food particles into the systemic blood circulation, not a good scenario.


7. Digestive issues such as bloating, diarrhea or constipation.

Due to the lack of proper balance of bacterias foods cannot be digested properly leading to common symptoms such as bloating, diarrhea, or constipation.  Others have more serious symptoms like reflux of foods and mucus or blood in the stool showing chronic inflammation. This is a very serious situation. So is years of non absorption of nutrients.


8. Chemical sensitivities

As things progress, many of my clients become much more sensitive to environmental toxins because their bodies are so toxic to begin with. Other organs like the liver and kidneys become overworked.


9. Toenail Fungus

Many if not most of my dysbiosis clients present with toenail fungus due to the low functioning of their immune systems.


10. Chronic Vaginal, or Urinary infections or "jock itch"

Again, as this disorder progresses other systems become affected. Many clients have chronic vaginitis or vaginosis or prostate problems or "jock" itch and anal itching.


All of these seemingly unrelated signs and symptoms can be remedied by coming in for treatment!

For an even more indepth assessment take my questionaire here: You can also schedule a FREE consult.  For more remedies visit the Digestive Aisle of my Store!


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Taryn DeCicco, ND, LAc, LDN



Clinical Nutritionist

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Arlington Heights, IL


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